A/N Farewell

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Hello everyone.

It's been a long time, huh? I'm sorry to have left you all for so long and without a notice. I don't have an excuse. Nothing bad happened to me, I've been doing fine despite some low moments but we all have those from time to time.

I guess I just kind of lost interest in writing. I still do it from time to time but not about Marvel. I'm not as big of a fan of Marvel. I still love the movies and comics but I don't devote as much time on them as before. I've found other things that I'm interested in and they excite me more, making me devote more of my time to them.

I thought about beginning to write again but sadly not about Marvel or the actors anymore. I'm just not interested anymore, not motivated. So, I guess in a way this message is a farewell to you all.

I'm sorry for being gone for so long and for basically disappearing from the face of the earth. I did not forget about this account, my stories or you my lovely readers. I saw some messages here and there but at one point just stopped checking them because I thought if I'm not gonna write anymore, I should not answer to messages either. I didn't know what to say. A few people were asking me if I was going to continue some imagines I started writing so long ago and I did not know how to answer. I could not give you false hope of me coming back when I did not know it myself. But also I could not disappoint you and say I wasn't going to, because I was unsure. Now, though, I've made a decision that no, I'm not continuing to write on this account anymore.

I'm sorry if any of you waited for me, I'm sorry for the unkept promises of coming back and continuing some imagines or starting new ones, writing your requests and such. I truly am sorry for this. But I've made the decision to leave writing about Marvel behind. I doubt I'll ever get back to it ever again, so... yes, this is a farewell.

I won't delete this account or any of my books or stories. If some of you still want to return back to these stories every once in a while, you'll be able to. And there's still a way for you to reach me if you need it. I'll respond to messages, some comments, I won't ignore you anymore. But I won't use this account actively.

Again, I'm sorry if you're disappointed to hear this. I just can't force myself to do something I find no joy in anymore. I'd much rather pay more attention on something I truly enjoy. This just isn't it anymore. I hope you understand.

Thank you again for everyone who has ever read my stories, shared them with others and given feedback. I truly appreciate it all. Thank you so much.

So, this is time for goodbyes. Goodbye everyone, and again, thank you for everything.

Love, Julia.

PS. I'm posting this message in all of my books just to make sure enough people will know about this, just so nobody stays waiting for me. I know some of my books have very few stories... I still can't bring myself to delete them. They're still there if any of you want to get back to them.

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