Speedy (Part 2)

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Warning: jealousy

You were on your daily walk with Speedy. Speedy. Every time you said, or even thought of his name you couldn't stop smiling. First of all you thought the name was pretty damn cute and no other dog had a name like that. Second of all you think you kind of had a thing for Pietro.

Sure you hadn't seen him after you met but somehow you started to like him more and more even though you never saw him.

But it had been almost three weeks and he hadn't dropped by even once. You were really looking forward to seeing him again but you had been worrying he didn't feel the same way.

You stepped inside your apartment building as Speedy followed behind. You started walking up the stairs only to be run into Steve, the man who lived in the apartment below yours.

"Hey Steve! Haven't seen you in a while!" You smiled at your neighbour. "Where have you been?"

"I would have come back home for a week or two but I was sent on a mission", he answered and crouched down to pet Speedy. "Look how much you've grown!"

"Yes, my baby is growing up", you fake cried (at least that's what you told yourself). "Did Pietro happen to be on that mission?" You asked, trying to sound like you didn't care that much.

Steve let out a quiet chuckle and looked up at you. "Yes, he was and he's fine", he told you with a smile. "I actually have a training session with him in about 30 minutes so I better get going then", he said as he glanced at his watch. "Good bye, Y/N."

"Bye!" You called after him and you and Speedy continued your way to your apartment.

You took the leash and hung it on a hook in the corner where all Speedy's toys and other stuff were. Speedy ran off to the kitchen and waited patiently at his water bowl, the poor dog was very thirsty after the slightly longer walk you just took. You smiled and filled the bowl with water and he immediately started drinking, spilling water as he did.


There was a knock on your door while you had just started to watch a movie. You huffed and paused the movie, put the popcorn down on the couch and walked to the door.

Your eyes widened as you realized who was standing there before you. "Pietro?" You asked, surprised to see him.

"Y/N", he breathlessly whispered. "I'm sorry for not dropping by I was-"

"On a mission", you cut him off. "I ran into Steve earlier today", you muttered, brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and dropped your gaze down to your feet.

"Yeah", he breathed out. "I'm sorry I should have dropped by."

"No, I get it. You've got to save the world. It's important."

"But still, I should have dropped by before I had to go. You wouldn't have missed me so much", he smirked and you couldn't help but smile a little yourself.

"Well I'm glad you're back. You're whole", you said with a smile which he returned.

You heard Speedy bark and soon he was by your side, staring at Pietro. Pietro looked down at Speedy and his smile grew wider. "Well hello there", he said to the puppy and he crouched down, taking him in his arms. "Wow you've gotten so big!"

"Do you want to come in?" You asked and Pietro shot his head up to look at you and shook his head.

"I can't. I have to go to one of Stark's parties", he huffed and stood back up. "Hey! Why don't you come?" He asked excitedly and you couldn't help but chuckle.

Pietro Maximoff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now