Speedy (Part 4)

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Warning: mentions of sex (but no smut)

It had been almost two months since you had your first date with Pietro and since he was very busy with his job, there weren't many other dates. You understood his job was very important and why he had to spend a lot of time on it. Other than not seeing each other that often, you were doing good. Sometimes you paid a surprise visit at the tower, watch him train from the doorway without him noticing, staring and basically drooling over him.

You had become friends with his twin sister Wanda during that time. You were glad since you were actually very afraid she might not like you but fortunately for you, she did.

You weren't the only one who made friends there. Clint Barton seemed to be very fond of Speedy and Speedy seemed to like Clint too. Whenever you came to the tower, Speedy accompanied you.

The other Avengers weren't that close with you but they were friendly. You didn't find them that intimidating anymore. The first few times you visited the tower you were very nervous. They could end you in a second if they wanted to, but gladly they were all very nice to you. You didn't expect them to be, really.

"Oh, hello Y/N!", Wanda calls out to you as you step out of the elevator and let Speedy run to her, he just loved the attention he always got. "Pietro is training, if you want to go watch him", Wanda laughed as a blush crept on your cheeks.

"Thanks", you muttered and waved before jogging over to the gym. You opened the door enough to peek your head through. You saw Pietro sitting on the floor with a water bottle in hand.

You open the door a little more to step in and Pietro turned his head immediately towards you. As his gaze met yours, the corners of his lips flickered upwards. "You need to start warning me about your visits so you wouldn't see me all sweaty", he smiled and stood up. "This is not how I look most of the time, you know?"

You shrugged and started walking towards him. You leaned up to peck his lips softly. "I don't mind seeing you all hot and sweaty. Just a little bummed out that I came too late", you smirked and he laughed.

"Maybe next time", he shrugged. "How was your day?"

"Boring. Yours?"

"Lonely", he sighed and wrapped his arms around you, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "But I've got you, now", he mumbled.

You smiled and ran your hand up and down his back, comforting him. "You've got me now", you stated and pulled away slightly. "Is there something you want to do? Somewhere you want to go?" You asked and slid your hand down his arm to his hand, taking it in yours.

"You know", he started and squeezed your hand lightly. "I think I'd rather stay here", he whispered and dipped his head down to kiss the side of your neck. You hummed in approval as he continued planting gentle kisses.

"I love that idea", you said and your fingers found themselves in his slightly sweaty hair. He moved his way up to your chin, to the corner of your lips and you pushed him away slowly. "But you need to shower first. You stink", you grinned as he let out a groan.

He muttered something in his mother tongue that you predicted to be some kind of an insult or a string of curse words. You couldn't help but laugh as he shoved your shoulder playfully. He headed towards the door but stopped halfway to turn around and ask, "You want to join me?" With a hint of playfulness but you also could tell he was somewhat serious.

You froze and stared at him as he waited for you to answer. You shook your head, "N-no thanks, maybe some other time", you told him and he nodded before walking away.

You closed your eyes and let out a long exhale. You started walking back to the common room. As you entered you saw Clint and Wanda sitting on the couch, taking turns on throwing a ball across the room which Speedy would fetch in mere seconds.

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