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"You must have been blind to not see them constantly flirting and being weird around each other," Ronan said, sighing as he messed with the pillow his head was laying on.

"I must be, then. Because I knew you were an asshole, but I never knew it was this bad. Can't you just be nice for once?" Adam glared at Ronan, then turned his gaze back to the ground. He'd been looking at the ground a lot lately.

These two boys had been bickering for over an hour over their mutual friend, Blue Sargent. Not really over her, but about her and their other mutual friend, Gansey. About the fact that Blue and Gansey had become a couple virtually overnight, in Adam's opinion. Blue had been Adam's "girlfriend" for a brief period of time. A brief  period of time. Although Adam knew she didn't love him,and honestly knew that she loved Gansey, the reality of the situation hurt like hell. Because even though Blue Sargent didn't love Adam Parrish, Adam Parrish certainly loved Blue Sargent.

"Stop being a mopey fuck, Adam."

"Stop being an asshole, Ronan."

Ronan stood quickly; so quickly, in fact, he woke Chainsaw, who began to squawk loudly, and caused Adam to jump. "I'm fucking serious, Adam. I get that you love her, but you can't waste your time on someone who doesn't feel the same. Take it from me, I've had to learn the hard way."

Adam shot Ronan a look. "Yes, we all know about Kavinsky, but that was nothing like this. He was actually into you, so please don't act like you understand."

The look Adam gave Ronan was reciprocated. "For fucks sake, I'm not talking about Kavinsky. You actually thought I was into him? That Russian bastard?"

"Well, yeah, he was the only person that was the same level of.. Whatever you are. You were fascinated with him, and even though he's dead, I'll bet you're still thinking about him constantly. Of course you are."

Ronan made a frustrated sound, something that reminded Adam of Blue. It was the type of noise she'd make when she wasn't getting "proper respect" from the boys. "Get out of my room, Adam. Just get out. I can't deal with you right now. I'm sorry she doesn't love you, but it's hard to have pity for you when you can't fucking see that it's been you that I like. That's it's always been you for me. And you don't give a shit. So just get the hell out."

Adam stood there for a moment, hardly able to process what Ronan had just said. Ronan liked Adam? Had always liked Adam? No, this wasn't how things were supposed to be. So he left without a word.

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