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A/N :

Caps and italics represent texts, in case you were wondering. Enjoy babes!

Hours had passed since "the incident," when Adam's cell phone (a newly owned iPhone Ronan had insisted on purchasing for him as a Christmas present) began to chime.




Each beep indicated a new text message.



He finally picked it up, something he'd been avoiding doing all day, and read the messages displayed on the lock screen. All five were from Ronan.

Look, I get it if you don't like me, that's cool, just don't throw our friendship out the window. Please don't do that.

Adam, I take it back: it was always Kavinsky, never you. Just come back.

Fucking answer me.

I know I'm constantly sending these but I'm inpatient, answer me

Adam, please

Sighing, he unlocked his phone and opened iMessage, just so the notifications wouldn't pop up anymore. Then he turned the screen back off without replying to any of Ronan's texts. He didn't know how to because he didn't know how he felt. Sure, knowing Ronan liked him was incredible--and scary--but he didn't know if Ronan's feelings were reciprocated. He just didn't know.

Ten minutes later, his phone chimed again.

Look, I've liked you for such a long time, having it out in the open is as scary for me as it probably is for you, but I don't want you to think that it's going to screw up our friendship at all. It won't, as long as you don't want it too, because I can't loose you. I can't afford to. I've pretended for years that I didn't like you, I can keep doing that if you want me to. Anything you want me to do, I will. That's how much you mean to me. But before I go back to pretending, let me say one thing: Adam Parrish, you are an incredible being. You deserve happiness. If that's with me, that's fantastic. If it's not, that's okay, because I want you to have the happiness you've been pretending to have. I know you think I don't care about anyone but myself, but, fuck, Adam, I care about you more than myself. I can safely say I'm in love with you. I just want you to know that one thing forever.

He didn't realize he was crying until a tear fell onto the screen of his phone. He did love Ronan, he loved him so much he'd convinced himself he didn't for fear of getting hurt. But he'd been hurt enough, he'd be able to handle it. He also didn't care. It'd be an honor to get hurt by Ronan Lynch, and he was looking forward to everything that would happen before it.

Quickly, he dialed Ronan's number and waited for the other boy to pick up.

"Adam, look I-" Ronan's voice was low as usual and it sounded almost as if he'd been crying, but Adam cut him off.

"Don't. Ronan, don't. I have a question for you, and I need you to answer it honestly."

"Yeah, of course I will. Adam, what are you doing?"

"Shush, let me talk for once." He was practically breathless from the excitement he felt. "Ronan Lynch, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Ronan sighed exaggeratedly.

"Well, I mean, I'll have to think about it." Adam could practically hear Ronan's smirk. "But, yeah, I would. Thanks for asking."

The line was silent for a few awkward moments.

"Hey, Ronan?"

"Yeah, Parrish?"

"That means we're dating now, correct?"


Adam grinned again.

"Okay, good."

"Very good, in my opinion."

"I'd have to agree."

Adam heard Ronan chuckle on the other side of the line.

"This has gotten very awkward. Is it going to be like this for awhile?"

"I'd imagine so. I mean, I don't really know how to 'relationship'."

"Nor do I."

"Well, we're fucked."

"Mm, not quite yet. But just you wait, soon."

Adam choked on his saliva. "Wow. You didn't waste any time, did you?"

"Nah. Never. Time's a precious thing. Especially in sex, I've heard." Ronan was laughing.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. I'm going to go now."

"See ya', boyfriend."

"Bye, boyfriend," Adam said softly, then hung up the phone, a smile stuck seemingly permanently on his face.

Boyfriend. Ronan Lynch is my boyfriend.


Agh! The Raven King is released tomorrow, meaning the series is nearly over. Which is why I updated today, so y'all had something to make you happy when you're crying over Blue and the boys for the last (official) time. I can't believe it's practically over. I just started the series last October (finished what was out then, too) and now it's over. I shouldn't be so distraught, but I am.

Anyhoo, on a happier note regarding the chapter you've just read, (or maybe you haven't, maybe you just want my delightful author's note (j u s t  k i d d i n g, no one like Alexander, and that's c o o l) which is a bit weird, but more power to ya' I guess) Ronan and Adam are boyfriends officially!! Woo! On a sad, foreboding note, I have a devastating plan that I came up with in my Guitar class today (I cried, whoopsie) that you'll have to dread--I mean, look forward to.

This author's note is so weird, I'm coming off as very chipper when I'm actually miserable, but honestly, who gives a shit.

In other news, I apologize for not updating anything on a schedule, I just don't have much time to write these days, so when I do have time, I tend to work on new fics, (one about The Lumineer's members Neyla Pekarek and Wesley Schultz and another one that's about Phan are currently being worked on) which I probably shouldn't do.

So, while you're here reading my story, you should check out some of the other stuff I have on my account (there's a new addition: a fact book where you can learn random stuff about me) and possibly read + comment + vote on some of it? If nah, that's cool, man.

To leave off on a chipper note, I'm ending this horrific A/N here. I hope your lives are going fantastically, and I hope you're keeping yourself healthy and happy. If you ever need something, don't forget that you can always message me; I'll respond ASAP.

Bye, lovies

xx alexander

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