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As Adam laid in bed that night, he remembered how much Ronan despised phones and realized how gigantic it was that he had not only texted Adam, but that he picked up the phone when Adam called. It was a day of firsts. He couldn't sleep because of this all. His head was a mess of Ronan, all Ronan. Ronan's name, Ronan's face, Ronan's laugh, Ronan's tattoo, everything about Ronan. Adam wasn't complaining, however, because at that point, there was no one he'd rather have poisoning his brain than Ronan.

The next day at school was one for the record books. Not only was Ronan there on time and for every class, but he was by Adam's side the entire time he could be. "Hey, Parrish," Ronan said, sidling up to his boyfriend after the school day had ended. Adam smiled slightly, the type of smile you give when you don't want to give away your excitement. "Mm," Adam said, if you could really say 'mm'. "Hello, Lynch." Ronan grinned that nasty-feeling grin of his and slung an arm around Adam's shoulder.

"We're hanging out with the gang today, right?" Ronan asked, letting his arm relax around Adam's shoulders. Adam wasn't really listening, distracted by the contact. Oh god, please let him do this often, he thought. It feels so safe. Safety from a dangerous person. Ironic.

Ronan chuckled at the lack of an answer and snapped the fingers of his free arm in front of Adam's face. "Earth to Adam," he joked.

Adam jumped and looked at Ronan. "Huh?"

Ronan continued to chuckle. "We're hanging out with everyone today, right?" he asked for the second time. Adam nodded, face bright red. "Oh.. yeah.." He smiled weakly. Ronan squeezed Adam's shoulders slightly, smiling to himself.

They walked to the parking lot and to the Camaro, since they were supposed to meet Gansey there. Adam was quiet and Ronan had moved his arm from around his shoulders. Adam didn't look like the same boy who was constantly at war with himself; he looked peaceful. Ronan couldn't help but stare at him, amazed that he had that effect on Adam.

Gansey soon arrived at his orange car. He unlocked the driver's side door without acknowledging either of his friends He threw his backpack in the backseat, then looked at them. "We can't hang out today. Banquet." There was a tone in Gansey's voice that was unknown to Ronan, but familiar to Adam.

Ronan sighed. "What are we to do without you?" He rolled his eyes. "Have fun, Dick."

"Have fun, Gansey," Adam echoed quietly.

Gansey nodded and git into his car. He rolled his window down after turning the engine on and leaned over the center console. "You two make an excellent couple," he said, monotone. He rolled his window up again and drove off.

Ronan laughed. "Dick's mad that we're dating!"

Adam smiled at Ronan's laugh. "Yeah, he is.." He knew Gansey wasn't his number one fan at the moment, are he was slightly sick to his stomach at the thought that dating Ronan was going to make him lose Gansey forever.

The uneasy feeling in his gut subsided when Ronan put his arm around him again. "Don't worry about him, Adam. He's being stupid," Ronan said, surprisingly softly. Adam was slightly taken aback at the fact that Ronan could read him so well.

"I'm trying not to. It's just difficult. He's already been distant to me lately, and I'd hate to lose him." Adam sighed and looked up at his boyfriend. "It's okay, though. The real question, however, is what ever are we to do without him?" He smiled slightly as Ronan grinned.

"Monmouth?" asked Ronan.

"Monmouth," said Adam.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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