Chapter 2

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Disclaimer : I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn but Akira Amano does. I only owned the plot and my OCs.
Hints :

(A/N- more like rambling)

Warning : Epic fail for attempting to make sarcastic and any funny comments. There will be some grammar problem.

"Then, why did you told me?" She look directly into his eyes. Cold.

"I-I..." He shuttered. He let out a sigh. 'Of course, she would hear something like this already. But it's still not right.'

She looked down with guilt in her eyes. She bit her lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Just.. Don't worry about it, Ken. I'm okay."


"Can I  go see him?" She asked.

The doctor agreed and took her to a private wad.
~Story Startte!~

The doctor would glance at Aria with worry in his eyes as they continue walking through the hallways. While she only stayed quiet even thought she know that the doctor was worry about her. She was thinking how the baby had felt. 'Angry? Sad? I wonder.. ' She continued to ponder.

He opened a door leading Aria to come in. She walked to the side of the incubator and stand on a chair to able to see the baby that was sleeping soundly. Seconds later, she smiled and said she made up her mind. "If nobody's gonna take care of him. I'll do it!" She announced. The doctor was shocked by her announcement. "Aria-"

"Nope! I made up my mind. I'll take care of him!" She said with her eyes closed and her smile widen even more. It's like her cold attitude didn't exist. Even if he's happy that she wanted to take care of him, she was still a child. "Looked Aria, it's all great and all but do you know how hard it gonna be?" "I know. I took cared many children before this and it was hard but for him, I'll do it."

"Yeah but that's when there's still those two around!"He yelled. Realising what he just said, he putting his hand to his mouth as he curse himself. He hesitated to look at her reaction.

She is only smiled as her eyes grew dull. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean too!" Ken tried to explained.

"I know. I already told you that you don't have to worry right? I know you didn't mean to, you just worry too much. Just like him." Her words became dry at the last sentence, her smile flattened replaced by a frown.

"Aria..." He closed his eyes, grinned his teeth.

A sigh was let out. "I'm sorry."

"What?" Ken opened his eyes in disbelief.

"My emotions got a hold of me. I know you and Raina are good people. It's okay. I'm glad that at least there's people who would treat me like they used to." She tried to smile, lessen the tense atmosphere around them.

"It's okay if you lower your defense when you with your friends, Aria. But, it doesn't mean I agree about you taking care of him."

Aria sigh and asked why. Before he could say anything, Aria stated that "I didn't do this because of pity or that I will say I know how it felt to be abandon or anything else. I only doing this because of my own selfishness. I mean how COULD they abandon such a cute no ADORABLE child?! Their LOCO/CRAZY!" (Is cute and adorable the same thing? There's a difference, right?)

He sweat dropped hearing this but before long he broke into laughter. Aria managed to clear away the seriousness and make that the 'argument' they had earlier like it never happened. 'As usual she really goes by her own pace.' He thought. Aria only looked confuse by his change of attitude. He regain his compose and asked some questions.


"Don't sweat it. I got tons."

"Baby equipment?"

"Yep, full set."


"Don't asked why."

"Okay... Next question paperwork?"

"Ken, which team am I on and who do you think trained me?"

"Of course.."

{Few minutes later}

"Seriously, that's how you proposed her?" Aria snickered.

"Don't judge me! It happened!" Ken flushed like a tomato. 'Why did I told her of all people about this..' He thought dejectedly.

"Hmm... Now, I wonder what should I do with this gavel~" She does a thinking pose with a gravel in the other hand.

"Wait.. how did we got off track? AND WHY DO YOU HAVE A GAVEL?!"

"I don't know~ It was in my bag~" Aria answered with a sing-song voice with a grin on her face while twirling the mini mallet around her hand.

Ken sweat dropped and thought 'Why do you have a gavel inside your bag?'. He didn't asked her because he knows she'll only make him more confused.

they both turn their heads towards the incubator, as they heard a giggled. As Aria climb to see the babby inside it, she saw an angel- I mean an adorable baby with fluffy brown defiying-gravity hair,  large honey brown eyes and a smile that can melts anyone hearts.(That you need sunglasses to see it) "Ah~ I feel so refresh. It's so bright." Aria said with a smile and it seemed that she was about to withered. "Don't you dare wither!" Ken shouted and realized something. "Hey, do you know your eye colors the same with him?" he asked. "Really!? Yes! Now, we're really look like siblings!" Aria said with her eyes sparkle and stretching her hand to the air. The baby giggle again like he agreed with her "KYAAAA!!!! His so ADORABLE!!! I'll make them pay for abandoning such a child!" Aria squealed with determination in her eyes that would destroy anything in it's way. (Okay, maybe I'm a little dramatic while writing this sentences but come on his ADORABLE!!!)

"Okay,okay. I get it. His your cut-" "Adorable!"

Ken sigh and continued "ADORABLE little brother. I wonder how Kuro will feel if he know about this." He didn't said the last sentence out loud but Aria managed to hear it and retorted "Hey,hey,hey! Don't you dare putting my brother into this. This and That is different. Right now, I'm 'HIS' big sister!" as she pointed at the baby on the 'HIS' word.

"Sheesh, I get it. So, how are you gonna name him?"

"Name?" Aria asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Well, yeah. You're his new guardian. What are gonna call him?"

"Doesn't he have a name?"


"Okay... This gonna be hard.. I'm not really good at naming people...Ar...."

She looked at the baby and a word come to mind 'Tsunayoshi' "Tsuna..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Tsunayoshi, That's what I'll call him. Do you like it, Tsu~Na?" she asked with a sweet smile.

The baby now known as 'Tsunayoshi/Tsuna' only giggle and smiled that almost make Aria fainted if Ken didn't turned their heads around at that moment.

"Then, it's decided! Your name is Tsunayoshi."

"Last name?"

"None. Just Tsunayoshi. I can't just used my name. It's confusing. I'll just asked him what kind of last name does he want when he's older. It's his decision to make."

"Wow, what a mature 3 year old girl." Ken praised her as he clapped his hands. Note the sarcasm.

"Thank you very much." Aria thanked him with a bow and a smirk plastered on her face. Tsuna just giggle. Aria smiled at Tsuna and said "Happy belated birthday! I'm your new big sister or should I say Onee-chan?" She chuckled. Then, she looked outside the window watching the sun rises. She looked at the sky and stretched her arms and said"A new day has begun, ne?"


(How'd you think about the chapter? Is it okay? Be sure to tell me)


~1307 words~

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