Chapter 14 | Brother and Sister

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"Maddie, come home NOW! I need you!" Taylor said over the phone 

"yeah calm down, im on my way" Maddie replied and hung up. Before she get into her car, Isaac showed up

"Mads, can we just please talk?" Isaac begging

"i cant, Isaac. I need to go" Maddie starts to walk away but Isaac stopped her by holding her hands

"please give me one more chance!"

"Isaac, i need to go" Maddie said seriously

Isaac let her hand free and watch her drove away from him. He looks up to the sky and storms starts to make an appearence


 "Tay! where are you?"

"Dad's room!"

Maddie went to her dad's room and saw her father lying unconscious covered in sweat.

"no...." Maddie whispered

Taylor put his strong arms around Maddie's weak figure and whispered "we're going to get through this okay? im not leaving"

Mr.Harries's eyes slowly opened and saw his children

"im okay guys.." He said weakly and then follows with a cough

"dad.. you're not"

Then Maddie realized something..


She realized that her dad is in the same case with Cora


Maddie drove to Derek's loft and parked outside. When she's about to go in, Derek,Jennifer, Scott and Stiles came out. 

Maddie cannot hold her anger and went to attack Jennifer but Scott and Stiles stopped her

"LEAVE THEM ALONE" Maddie yelled

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Scott yelled at her

"MADDIE STOP" Stiles continued

Maddie ignored them 

Maddie eventually calmed herself down and Derek asked her "whats wrong Mads?" 

He knew. He knew something is wrong. But Scott and Stiles didnt get it

Derek went to her and they took a little distance from the rest 

"whats wrong? its your parents?" He asked

Maddie put her face in her  hands and nodded

"oh no... she took them?"

"no.. she took my mother" Maddie said

"hey look at me, you're not alone, you have me okay? just let me handle this demon, i promise if i need help i'll call you, you trust me right?" Derek put his hands on Maddie's shoulders

Maddie gave Jennifer an evil look and nodded to Derek

They left to the hospital to get Cora, Maddie didnt tell Derek about her father because she knew Derek was overwhelmed enough with all of this.

Maddie went back to her house and joined her brother in their dad's room

"she could be dead by now.." Maddie whispered

"Maddie just stop it.."

"i think we need to do something"

"something? like what?"

"abilities! whats your abilities?"

"i just can read people's mind like mom does" Taylor replied

"thats it! you can read people's mind, and you can read Jennifer or Deucalion's"

"Jennifer? im not so sure because she's pretty much not a human, but why Deucalion?"

"He must knew something! Well we can atleast try"

"well, thats actually a pretty good idea. alright, where are they now?"

"the hospital"

"alright you stay here" Taylor grabbed his lather jacket

"well nope, you cant do this without me so im coming" Maddie said and grabbed her jacket

"what about dad?" Taylor looked at his sleeping father

"Well since we're a Shield, i think we should make one"

Maddie and Taylor went outside and locked the house. They put their hands on the wall outside and starts to gave it spark of Shield so no supernatual thing will pass it. After the whole house is covered they went to Taylor's sport car and went to the hospital

"the stroms are getting worse" Maddie said

"yeah i can see that"

Taylor parked outside and they can see there are several cars parked outside too and she knew it must be Stiles's, Derek's, and Mr.Argent's

"you ready?" Taylor asked his little sister

"i think i am" Maddie said nervously

"well just stay close to me"

They two went in and they found Deucalion

"Brother and Sister... you're right in time" He said

"what are you talking about?" Maddie replied

"you knew exactly what im talking about Maddie"

"oh i know exactly nothing what you're talking about"

"you came here for something, and giving you now"

"guardians... parents..." Taylor said

"bingo" Deucalion said

"whos the next one?" Maddie asked

"Scott's mom" Taylor replied after reads Deucalion's mind

"alright, Taylor, you help Derek and i'll get Scott's mom"

"No of course not! we're not spliting up!"

"i'll be fine! now go!"

They all ran into different directions and Maddie went to the roof top because her feelings told her to

She saw Melissa flips the switch to restore the power and suddenly the darach came and grabbed her


And they're gone.


WHOOOOOOO! Sorry for updating late, i really dont have time for this past few days but enjoy and comment what should happened next! And dont forget to vote because they motivates me so freaking much!

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