Chapter 13 | Let Her Go

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Maddie spent the rest of the day planing to get her mom back with her brother and father. 

"dont worry, she still need a philosopher" her father said to comfort Maddie but its no use. Her heart is beating so fast, and all she need is her mom.

"me and your brother are going to try our best to stop her tonight. you stay here okay?" 

"what? of course no"

"maddie im serious"

"me too dad! i know im useless but im going to try anyway" 

"maddie just listen to dad" Taylor finally speak up

"i thought we're on this together? 

"i know but she's too dangerous"

Maddie just ignored both of them and left to her school. She parked and she can see Stiles's jeep parked across her. Its going dark and the students starts to leave the school. Maddie ran in and search Scott.

She can see the teachers are going to the auditorium. 

"SCOTT!" Scott was just ended up his phonecall with Stiles.

"where were you? you're like gone and skipped all the class! what happened?" Scott asked

"long story. one more teacher, am i right?" 

Scott looked Maddie with a confused look.

"yeah... how did you know?"

"i knew a lot of things, cmon, i think we should keep an eye for them"

Both of them went to the auditorium. and Scott looked all over the auditorium for any trouble. 

"Lydia? i thought you're going home" Scott said when Lydia went in and join them

"i dont know why im the one who's finding the dead body, but maybe if i stop fight it i could find them before it happens"

Scott and Maddie just nodded

The concert starts and Isaac came in with Mr.Argent and Alison

Maddie look away but Isaac approach her.

"Mads, please just listen to me" Isaac said tried to get a hold for Maddie's hand

"Isaac, this is not the right time" Maddie whispered and left

*Maddie's POV*

I went to the hallway to think. About everything. My mom. Isaac. And of course The Darach.

Suddenly i heard a piercing scream and went to a class room to see Lydia and Jennifer

"Jennifer. Let go her go"


"yeah, surprise to see me?"


Jennifer looked surprise and went closer to Maddie and throw her across the room. She duck tape Lydia's hand and put the cord around her throat, She pulled out her dagger


Maddie look over and she can see Sherrif Stilinski pointed a gun at Blake's direction

Jennifer throw her dagger to the sheriff and went to him

Maddie crawl to Lydia and tried to save her. Scott went in with his werewolf form. He tried to fight her but Jennifer did the same to him and throw him accros the room. The sheriff let a bullet and it stoke Blake's leg but it healed fastly





Jennifer look back at Maddie and said "and a Shield" 

Then there's a sound of shattering glass, and they both dissapeared.

Stiles went in and couldnt believe what he saw



"god! what do we do now?!" Stiles said walking back and forth

"can you just stop? we're going to find him" said Maddie

"what did you say?! FYI YOUR AUNT took MY FATHER and killed innocent people" Stiles spat

"she's not my aunt" Maddie said quitely and look away

"Maddie can you just please go home?! you annoyed me so much" Stiles said

Maddie look at him and then Scott

"yeah, i think you should go home. She's dangerous you know" Scott said reminding what she did to Maddie 

"Jennifer said 'A Shield' and i have no idea what that is" Maddie left the classroom and heard Scott said that to Stiles

"Mom...." Maddie said as a tear fall from her blue eyes


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