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     "Ow..." I said, as I sat up, rubbing my head. Surprisingly, I had only a small scratch on my face, from that huge fall... Along with a huge headache... I looked around a bit, wondering how a small bed of wilted flowers had broken my fall.
     I shrugged off the thought and got up, walking into another room, dusting off my green sweater, which had a single yellow stripe through the middle. When I looked back, I stumbled back in fear, for there was a small, beaten, golden flower, staring at me with a murderous look. After a second, it seemed he figured out I wasn't a threat, and the look vanished, replaced a look filled with fear. "H-Howdy... Y-your a human right...?" It asked nervously. I nodded, still startled from his past murderous look. "S-Sorry about the scary look... I-I thought you were someone else.... Oh! R-Right! I-I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower, but there's no time for  introductions! Y-You need to get out of here! Or she might come..." He stuttered.
     "Well, hi Flowey, I'm Chara, and what do you mean I need to get out of here? Who is "she"?" I asked curiously. Flowey's eyes grew wide with fear as a cold, yet caring female voice said from behind me. "Hello there, child..." I whipped my head around, to find myself facing a goat lady, dressed in a torn, black dress. "I am Toriel... The keeper of the ruins... Follow me if you wish to be safe..." She told me, grabbing my hand, her yellow eyes looking at me with care, yet a hint of mischief. Before she could drag me away, I saw Flowey's worried expression, and allowed him to wrap himself around my arm. He wanted to help me, I could tell. His vines' grip around my arm was rather tight from fear, but I didn't care. It's not like I could be stopped by a bit of pain, after all, being able to comfort him at least a little bit had filled me with determination...
     Toriel guided us through many different puzzles and other kinds of traps, and trained me on how to fight... But I may or may not have ignored her whenever she told me to fight and showed the froggit mercy... I couldn't kill an innocent soul... She almost accidentally pushed me into a sea of spikes once, but I was able to regain my balance. She seemed rather disappointed that I didn't fall into them though... That was probably just my eyes tricking me.
     Once we made it to the ruins, she handed me a very old looking cellphone, and told me to call her whenever I like. "Now I must go, my child. I am going to prepare something very speacial. Do not move from this spot..." She told me.
     Once she had left, Flowey looked at me and said, "Go! Now's your chance to run! That way you will stay safe!" He told me. I shook my head. "C'mon Flowey... She's not that bad..." I said, trying to figure out how the old phone worked. "Have you not caught on yet?! She's trying to KILL  you!!!" He said, panicking a bit. "Everyone deserves a second chance, Flowey!" I replied, "Everyone... Even evil goat ladies... Can be good! You just have to trust me on this, Flowey..." I told him, stroking his torn petals reassuringly. He just sighed and said, "I'm not gonna get you to run, am I..." I smiled cheerfully, and said, "nope!" We both laughed, but his was a bit nervous... I was going to have to keep this little guy safe, if it meant risking my life, it would be to make his better, and I will get him to smile... Even if it's just a small one, it would be a victory.
     I soon figured out how to use the phone, and called Toriel. "Hi mom!" I said cheerfully, once she picked up. There was a long period of silence, even Flowey seemed shocked. "D-Did you just call me... "Mom"?" Toriel asked, shakily. "Yes.. is that a problem? Did I offend you? Oh my gosh I'm so-" toriel cut me off, "NO! No! Not at all! Y-You may call me mother... You can call me whatever you like...!" She told me. I could tell she was startled from me calling her that, almost like she wished that I never had.... To make something that was coming up easier for her... I shook off the thought and called her back. "Hey, mom... I'm sorry if I startled you the last time... But I'd like to know a bit about you." I said. She sighed and said, "You are fine, my child... And a bit about myself...? Well I'm just an old goat woman who worries to much!" She chuckled, hanging up the phone. I shrugged and started walking forward, solving some other puzzles in the way. I was soon stopped by the buzz of my phone. It was Toriel. "Hello my child? Do you like snail pie?" She asked. I was about to answer but she cut me off. "Oh splendid!" And then she hung up the phone. "I don't know how I feel about eating snail pie..." I told Flowey. "I-it's actually pretty good... I-I used to have it all the time... Until... Never mind... I don't want to talk about it..." He told me. "Okay, that's fine." I said, a little disappointed that he didn't want to tell me. If he would tell me, I might've been able to help him, but I'm going to respect his personal space, and let him keep it to himself.
     I was again, stopped by the buzz of my phone. I picked it up, and Toriel had called me again, though, I don't know who else it would be, cause she was the only contact I had listed on the phone. "You did not leave that spot... Right, my child...?" She asked me. "Um... No...?" I said a bit nervously. "You seem unsure..." She said, a bit annoyed. "Nope, I'm stiiiiiiill here!" I said again. I heard her mumble something about 'dumb humans', but I couldn't make out the words, and she then hung up. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket, and continued on. "You are really bad at following rules... Aren't you...?" Flowey asked me. I chuckled and nodded, smiling innocently. Flowey snickered, and we continued walking.
     One of the puzzles we got to was different from the others... Well... It wasn't really a puzzle... There was a pale-white ghost wearing headphones, laying on the ground, in our path, saying 'z' repeatedly, as if it were acting like it was asleep. "Hey, maybe we should walk around it and let it sleep..." I whispered to Flowey. "You really think this ghost is asleep?! Ugh... Well I say we move it with force." He told me. "But Flowey..." I trailed off. He had already slithered off my arm, and onto the ground again, and was trying to push the ghost away. "Urgh.... A little help, please?" He asked. The ghost's z's got louder and angrier every second. I was about to help Flowey, when the ghost shot up and screeched, "I'M NOT IN THE MOOD!" Then all of a sudden, we entered into a battle. "I don't want to fight you!" I told the ghost, but he just ignored me, and the next thing I know, an array of tears was rocketing towards me.

A/N: CLIFFFFFF HANGERRRRRR!!!!! I hate cliff hangers as much as the next person, but I thought this would be a great way to end the chapter. Underfell is my favorite Undertale AU, and I have been wanting to do this for a really long time, AND I FINALLY DID IT!!! MY LAZYNESS HASN'T TAKEN ME OVER THIS TIME!!!! Wait a second.... WHERE'S THE KETCHUP!!! THERE MUST BE A CELEBRATION!!! I'm sorry.... I've been fangirling about sans to much.... Actually... I'm not sorry... I'm really not... :3 well, I hope you liked this chapter! bOI HOOmanS!!!

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