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     He led me into a snowy plain, and Flowey was begging me to run. I just shook my head and kept going. When we came to a stop, Sans walked up to a taller skeleton, wearing black-and-red armor and a torn, red scarf. He whispered something in his ear that I couldn't quite make out, and then the taller skeleton turned to me. "So... You're sure it's a human, sans...?" He said, looking me up and down. I didn't like being called an 'it'. "I have a name you know..." I muttered, but the skeleton just ignored me. Sans nodded, and motioned for me to come closer.

     Reluctantly, I walked forward, to soon find myself in a battle with the taller skeleton. "I. AM NOT. GOING TO FIGHT!" I said, firmly. The skeleton just cackled, and said, "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE GREAT  PAPAYRUS!!" and sent an attack of bones straight at me. I looked towards Sans for help, but he was just leaning on a tree, smiling. He was enjoying this. I soon realized I had been led into a trap. I dodged the bones quickly, but lost my balance, and instead of landing on my feet, I landed on my face.

Papyrus cackled with laughter and grabbed me by the back of my shirt, but shock was in his expression when he saw me smiling. Sans also looked pretty confused. "UM... ARE YOU BROKEN OR SOMETHING..? I JUST TRIED TO KILL YOU AND YOUR SMILING...." Papyrus said. I laughed. "SANS.... I THINK I BROKE THE HUMAN..." He said, worriedly. Sans just rolled his eyes and a red aura started to glow around me, and the next thing I know I'm body slamming a tree next to sans. Sans smiled evilly and said, "Fixed it." I just laid there and said, "My everything hurts..." And Sans snorted with laughter. Flowey whispered, "Run while he's laughing, you might have a chance to get away."

I tried to stand up, but the next thing I know, I was trapped in a bone cage. "Your not getting away that easily, kiddo." Sans smirked. I groaned and started continuously banging my head on the bars of the cage. "SANS I THINK YOU BROKE IT AGAIN." Papyrus said as he watched me hitting my head. "Nah it's fine." Sans reassured him.

     I just kept banging my head until eventually they both got bored and confused and left. "Yay.... My plan worked....!" I said as I stumbled around after I stopped hitting me head. Flowey just rolled his eyes and used his vines to break the bars and help stabilize me. "Cmon, let's get you to the inn. You look tired as heck."

     We then walked to a place called snowdin that looked like my old village in winter, and he led me to a building with a sign that said "INN". I gave the lady some gold to rent a room and I fell asleep almost immediately when my head hit the pillow.

A/N: sorry for not updating for so long! I was doing stuff and totally wasn't just being lazy...

A/N: I give thee Temmie flakes to show my sorrow

Friend or Foe? (Underfell sans x underfell chara)Where stories live. Discover now