The Dream (Part 2) /+More/

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     "You helped me continue killing them, Chara. You told me this was the only proper way to get out, without a high chance of me dying. You wouldn't let me go back no matter how much I begged, you kept saying that once it was started I could never go back."

     "How am I supposed to believe you?! Your just a dream! I'll wake up any second now and I'll be back to setting monsters free!" I objected. This was crazy, I didn't want to believe I would do this. That was not who I was.

     "You don't have to believe me, but just let me finish my story. When  we finished the Geno route, I saw you face to face for the first time. We were in a room filled with complete darkness, and I thought I was alone, but the next thing I know you were standing in front of me. You introduced yourself as 'The Demon who comes when people call it's name.'" By now I was getting a huge headache. This all felt so familiar, but I refused to believe it.

     "Well it looks as if you're going to wake up soon, I'll try to visit you in your next dream to help you sort this all out in your mind. Goodbye for now, Chara." They said, and the next thing I know I woke up.

     Flowey was leaning over me, a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?! It's been hours, and you looked like something's was wrong.."

     "Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured him. I got up and started heading out of the inn. Maybe if I talked to Sans  he could help me figure out what just happened. Flowey wanted to stay in the inn for a bit longer, and I was actually glad to get to talk to Sans with just me and him.

     When I got to his sentry station in Snowdin, he was lying there asleep, as always. He looks so peaceful... I thought to myself. I shook him gently, disappointed with myself for waking him up. I saw how hard Papyrus worked him and he needed every chance of rest he could get, plus I liked watching him sleep. That probably seems stalker-ish but whatever, it's the truth.

      "Mm.. who is it...?" Sans grumbled, still half asleep.
     "It's me, Chara." Sans' head shot up, his usual sly grin on his face, but that could be just because he was a skeleton.
     "Hey there, doll face. What's up?"
     "Doll face..?" I asked, a bit flustered by the pet name.
     He just snickered. "Never mind that, do you need anything?" I nodded, and explained to him all that had happened  in my dream.
     He was silent for a while, but eventually answered. "You actually forgot, didn't you..?" I was confused. I didn't know what to say. Even Sans thought this was true? He sighed, "listen sweetheart, just wait for the kid to help you sort things out. It'll be better if they explain it to you. For now, just continue doing what your doing, as long as you think it's the path you want to take, okay?"
     "Okay.. mind if I stay here with you for a bit? I don't have anything much to do." And I just really like being with you.. I thought, but I couldn't say that out kid to him. He nodded and I sat next to him in the snow, but I couldn't help but think about what that dream was all about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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