A Strange Encounter

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On the way to the inn even more monsters engaged us in battle. I was getting really angry by this, but just kept on smiling. Flowey seemed uneasy about something, but I just shrugged it off, it was probably nothing.

Eventually, we got to the inn and I paid for a room. I set Flowey on the bedside table and fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow.

-The Dream (Part 1/2)-

"I want my body back."

I looked around confused, was that voice talking to me?

"I want my body back." It repeated. The image of a child that looked very similar to me, besides darker hair and a  different color skin staring back at me. They were wearing a blue sweater with two purple stripes, and had a look of determination on their face.

"What?" Was all I could say, for I had no idea what this person wanted from me.

"Don't play dumb with me, Chara! You know what I mean!" They shouted, "I want my body back!" I just looked at them, even more puzzled than before.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea who you are, or what you're talking about-"

"Are you serious?!" They cut me off, "How do you not remember?!" After a while the anger faded from their face, and they took a deep breath. "Whatever, I might as well just explain it to you..."

"I fell down here into the underground, and treated all the monsters with kindness. They all knew me as a friend. They all loved me. They all saw hope in me, and their hope was not wrong. I freed them all from this wretched place and was even their ambassador for awhile. But you see... I had this.. power. It was a strange power most people don't have. It was the power to RESET.
With this power, I could go back in time and relive everything over again, but I could also change the way everything would end. I usually stuck with the neutral route, because this was the route I could do whatever I wanted with, and still get a good ending. This time though, I did the pacifist route, which was why I was able to free everyone.
They all lived happily on the surface, but I got bored.. I wanted adventure again. I wanted to try something new. I wanted to see what would happen if...." they trailed off.

"If what?" I asked, listening intently to what they had to say.

"If I killed them."

I stared at them in shock, this kid did not look like the kind of person to kill someone. "What do you mean? They're all still alive now."

"I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, that's how I met you, Chara."

"..What?" This all seemed so familiar, but I didn't get what they meant by this. That didn't sound like me at all.

A/N: heya! I finally updated the story, sorry for the long wait. I realized I should probably add where Frisk is somewhere in here and a reason why Chara was fully corporeal in this story while not living with the dreemurr family :P I'll try to get the next part of the story out either later today, or tomorrow. Again, sorry for the long wait, and thanks for all the encouragement! It really helped me be able to get back to writing the story. You guys are all awesome, tell me what you think of the story so far, and if you have any suggestions. Buh-bye!

Friend or Foe? (Underfell sans x underfell chara)Where stories live. Discover now