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I quickly dodged the tears, and hit act. "You were really good at fake sleeping! I really thought you were asleep!" I said nervously. The ghost looked flattered for a second, then the look vanishes, and more tears were sent rocketing towards me. I tried to dodge them, but I was hit by a few, leaving me at 10 HP. "I DONT WANT TO FIGHT YOU!" I screamed at the ghost, pleading for mercy, but he just laughed and continued his attack. 1 HP... I was down to 1 HP... I had to figure out something fast.

I panicked and hugged the ghost tightly, tears pouring down my face from the pain. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Both Flowey and the ghost yelled in confusion. I looked into the ghost's void-black eyes, and smiled. "You were crying..." I said, plainly. He stared at me for a while, then took shaky breath, and there was a small ding. I looked at my mercy button, and realized he was sparing me. "Don't tell anyone else I spared you... I'd be the laughing stock of the underground..." He told me. I smiled, nodding happily, and spared him. "I'm napstablook by the way.... Well I've gotta go... Bye..." He said, as he slowly disappeared from my sight, into the atmosphere.

Flowey looked at me in shock. "How did you..." He trailed off. "Everyone needs a friend Flowey." I replied happily, continuing on. I stopped at two large, blood-red doors. Flowey was shaking like crazy. "T-This is Toriel's house.... G-Go in at your own risk.." He told me. I knocked on the large doors that loomed over me, and Toriel opened the door, with a sickly-sweet smile plastered on her face. "Hello, my child.... I see you found your way over to my home..." She said. I nodded, trying to hide the fear in my expression. She grabbed my hand and started to head for a small room in her home, and shoved me inside. "I suggest you take a nap while the pie is cooling..." She told me, "sweet dreams..." She cackled, slamming the door shut. A laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I was quite tired from the ghost fight, and soon enough, my eyelids felt like led, and fell asleep.

When I awoke, there was a sour stench roaming the air, and I turned, to find a plate of pie that seemed to be stuffed with snails. I gagged at the smell, but put the pie in my backpack for later. Maybe Flowey would want it. I walked out of the room, and into the living room, to find Toriel sitting on a blood-red recliner, looking through a how-to-cook-a-human-into-a-pie book... Even though it creeped me out, the thought of her trying to learn something new filled me with

determination. When she noticed I was there, she scrambled to put the book away, and smiled creepily at me. "Oh, hello, my child.... Did you like the pie?" She asked. I nodded, not wanting to be rude. "Then why do I still smell it's aroma in your backpack?!" She asked, ripping my backpack away from me, to find the pie tucked inside of it. Her face was then filled with anger, and she grabbed onto my arm, her claws sinking into my skin, and started to drag me to the kitchen. "M-MOM?! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I panicked. She just cackled with laughter, still dragging me to the kitchen. The one thing I noticed, was she flinched when I called her 'mom'.

She was getting closer and closer to the kitchen, with each step I was running out of time. She stopped at the door, and inched her hand closer to the door knob. I took a deep breath, and smiled warmly at Toriel. "Mom... I don't know what your doing... But I trust you... I know you will keep me safe..." I said.

Her hand stopped abruptly, and tears started swelling up in her eyes. She turned to me, and said "You idiot.... Haven't you figured out, that in this world... It's kill... Or be killed... You wouldn't survive out there... But he will surely find you if I keep you here... So prove to me..." She said, flames erupting in her hands, "THAT YOU ARE STRONG!"

Suddenly, flames were being shot straight towards me. I panicked, and tried to dodge them, but several hit me, and my HP lessened to 12. "I don't want to fight you, mom... No... I won't fight you... Please... I don't want to hurt you..." I begged, but Toriel just ignored me, and continued fighting. I soon realized that these flares refused to come near me.... She was missing me on purpose... "I will try my best to stay alive out there.... I will free you all from this wretched place..." I told her.

Every flare she shot trailed farther, and farther away from me. I then heard a sudden ding, and checked my mercy button. Sure enough, Toriel was sparing me. I quickly spared her, ran up to her, and hugged her. She then led me down several corridors, to another set of huge, blood-red doors. I hugged her again, and she told me, "Do not come back.... I hope you understand..." I nodded, and pushed open the large doors, entering into a dark forest. As I walked down the snowy path, I felt a chill go up my spine.

I was being followed.

I didn't know why, or by who, but I quickened my pace, leaping over a large stick in the process.


I whipped my head around, and noticed the cracked stick. I quickly picked it up, and held it infront of me, looking around frantically. "WHO'S THERE?!" I shouted. I head a small laugh from behind a tree, but when I looked behind it, there was nothing there. All of a sudden, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "Human." Said a voice from behind me, tightening it's grip on my shoulder. I was frozen with fear. "Don't you know how to greet a new.... Pal...? Turn around... And shake my hand..." It told me. I quickly turned around, to see myself facing a short skeleton, wearing a black hoodie, with a devilish smile with a single golden tooth plastered across his face, holding his hand out for me to shake it. I smiled and shook his hand, to hear a loud farting sound. I started cracking up, and tried to pull my hand away, but he didn't let go. "I agree, the whoopee-cushin-in-the-hand truck is pretty funny... But I'm afraid I can't let you go that easily." He said, and we entered into a battle. "Nope. I'm not fighting you." I told him. "Well then, I guess this makes my job a lot easier..." He said, and the battle ended, and he motioned for me to follow him. I was so confused... Why had he let me go so easily...? "C'mon, kid." He said. "How's about I introduce ya to my brother...."

A/N: I hope you liked that chapter! In the next one... I GET TO WRITE ABOUT THE GRRRRREAT PAPYRUS! YUSSSS! Well.... A slightly more murdery version of him that likes lasagna..... More like a very murdery version.... WELL ITS STILL THE GRRRRREAT PAPYRUS!!! Sans: I'm way better tho... Me: I know sans, but papyrus has to come in the story sooner or later... Paps: HEY!

Friend or Foe? (Underfell sans x underfell chara)Where stories live. Discover now