Chapter 3: Shit Happens

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Around 8 in the morning I woke up with my back in pain and dry taste in my mouth. I started yawning from my lack of sleep. I don't imagine anyone else had a great sleep either. I heard a growl or gargle, and flinched. After a count of 5 minutes, I heard another growl.

At first I thought it was the fire crackling or like a bird or something but then it started to get louder and louder. Eventually I fell asleep and dreamed of animals ripping me apart. I was probably just scared, and I know that wolves live on the mountain, but that didn't sound like wolf growling.

When I got dressed and open my tent, I saw everyone else is awake, having a heated debate.
"-know what I saw, okay, I'm not fucking crazy." Sarah said, visibly shaken.
"What do you think it was?" Becca asked, looking skeptical.

" I don't know what it was, all I know was that I went into the bushes over there because I had to pee. When I looked behind me, across the campground, I saw like a pair of big,milky white eyes, staring back"

Nick looked up" Listen, I don't know what the fucks going on here but I think we need to leave. I'm not staying here with 'blind Wolves' or some shit. "
I climbed out of my tent and walked over.

" We are not leaving, we need to have a service for Reynald tonight! Come on you guys, it was probably an owl or something...."

We all debated for hours, until it got dark. " I have to use the bathroom" Nick announced. " I'll be back. "He then got up and walked up the mountain trail, until he wasn't visible.

In about an hour we started to get worried. "Maybe he got lost....?" I asked cautiously. "I don't know Rose, but why don't you and Sarah check it out. I'm cleaning one of Brad's bug bites right now. "

Sarah started to whine," But babe, why me? I'm tired and a little scared...."
" Oh god, come on Sarah, what it Nick is in trouble?"

"How is that supposed to make me feel better?"
" It's not. Let's go. " I said firmly, pointing up the mountain.

As we walked up the dirt path, we heard absolute science. After we walked for awhile Sarah asked," Why the fuck did Nick go all the way up here to take a leak? I mean at least I had the descentcy to pee close to camp."
I stopped walking and looked at Sarah.
"Oh my god, Sarah. You know animals can smell pee?"
She huffed, and snapped her head at me. " They can smell fear too. I bet that's what those eyes were from. A fear animal."

"Sarah, stop talking like you're in a horro-"
I stopped and looked at the ground.
"Sarah, look. Drag marks."
"Let's follow them! Like a murder mystery!"
I looked at her in discust." What if something grabbed Nick? Don't joke please, he could be hurt, or worse."

She rolled her eyes. "It's not like anything grabbed him, Rose. Wolves can only do that if you're paralysed."

I nodded, grimly. " Or if you're dead."

As we followed that drag marks we tried as hard as we could to climb the uneven path. There were broken rocks, animal skeletons, one of Nick's shoes, blood. Wait. I picked up Nick's shoe and examined it. I screamed in horror as I looked inside. Nick didn't only leave behind his shoe. He left behind his foot.

I screamed, and started to cry. How could this happen? What happened to him?  Sarah came running over after she heard my scream.

"Rose! What's wrong?!"
I started to hyperventilate.
" It's - hi- s sho-e he - le-ft beh-ind his fo-ot......"

Sarah screamed as she looked in the shoe. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Sarah sobbed loudly.
Through tears I cried, "We-we-we need to find out what happened, Sarah. The drag marks lead up the mountain. Let's go."

Sarah nodded, with tears still streaming down her face. As we continued up the mountain, we noticed the dirt path was lined with a fence. An old, wooden fence. I thought this was weird, but I didn't mention it to Sarah. When we reached the top, of the mountain, I noticed we were standing on very old wooden planks. We walked toward the center, and We heard a gurgling sound. Sarah flashed her light in the direction and we saw Nick, lying upon a rock, ripped in half at the waist. He was missing a foot. We bothe screamed, and tried to run back from where we came, but from the light of the moon, we could see two, milky white eyes looking at us.
Then we heard creaking, and a giant CRASH!!
The wooden planks creaked and cracked beneath our weight, and we fell into nothingness.

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