Remember Me?{Hojoo♥}

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Mijoo P.O.V

"What about this? Mijoo nuna and Hoseok hyung goes to the Supermarket nearby to buy some bread and sandwich. Meanwhile Yoongi hyung and Jiae nuna goes to buy the drink.?" Taehyung said to us and smirk.

When I heard taehyung's idea, I know that Jiae unnie and Yoongi Oppa will disagree with it. They was an enemy though. Aha! I have an Idea hahaha... •_<...

"Hoseok ah... kajja." I poke his arms.

"Why? Aren't we should wait for yoongi hyung and Jiae nuna?." He ask with a confuse face.
I sighed and whispered something to him.

"Oh~ that's a good idea mijoo ah!" He said it loudly.

"Yah~ dont said it loudly. Kajja."
I take his arms and go from the group. I saw that Jiae unnie was protest to them and dont realize that I was not beside her. Unnie mianhae! But I was do this because for you hahax! Have a good moment with yoongi oppa! ><

"So what we should we do now?." Hoseok ask me.

"What about... we buy the bread and sandwich? Jiae unnie was buy the drink right?." I said to him.

"Ok." He replied. And then we walk together to the a supermarket in there. ermmm I was a little awkward with this silent moment. Yeah~ we both was the dorkies in our group. But in this silent, argh! So awkward! I shouted in my heart.

"So... mijoo sshi, do you remember me?." He ask me.

"Nae? Of course I remember you...? You are Jang Hoseok? Member from Bts." I said it with a confuse voice. I smile to him.

"No! I mean, Dont you remember me? Seriously?"

I faced his face with a confuse face. What was he talking about?.

"Yah! How dare you mijoo ah! You dont remember me? How sad huhu."

Again, what was he talking about? "What do you mean?."

"Yah~ dont you remember the boy who always cried when you scold at him because of his weakness? And protect him when he was bullied with the other boys? And always be a best friend to him no matter what?."

"Wait... Was you the Hoseok that who was a boy that so weak and always cried to me? Seriously?!" My eyes widen. Wow he was so different!.

"So now you remember me! Ah~ I was so glad that you remember me mijoo ah!" He hug me. And jump a bit.

Ah~ He was totally same as back then. But it was weird though. He was a tall guy and handsome now. Not a cute-weak little boy who always cried and hug me because of I who always scold at him. I realize that he was hug me tightly. I was blush a bit. It was a different feeling when he was hug me when we was kid and now.

"Hoseok ah... can you please let me go?." I said to him.

"Ah! Mianhae mijoo ah!"

"It's ok. Kajja!" I smile to him. And excitedly walk to the shop that sell the sandwich and breads. They buy the sandwich and bread that enough for bangtan and lovelyz. After they paid for it, the made a desicion for walk around the amisement park for a while.

Hoseok POV

"Hoseok ah! That waffle look so delicious! Buy it for me please~!" Mijoo said it while make an aegyo face to me. I just smile and nodded. She excitedly pull my shirt and took me to the waffle stall.

"One chocolate waffle with vanilla cream please! Ouh and one vanilla waffle with chocolate ice cream." She said it to the noona that at the counter.

"Wow~ You still remember my favourite?." I ask her.

"Of course! When we was kid, we always go to the waffle stall near our school right? And you always order the same one." She said while smile.

"Here the waffle^^ You two are so cute looking couple. Mijoo ah~ " The noona said it to us. It looks like they know each other.

"Aniyo~ we are not a couple we just a bestfriend unnie.^^" mijoo reply it.

"Aigoo, but you two are so cute! Here, I just gave it for free since you always buy at here mijoo ah. Come here again!." She smile to us.

"Gomawoyo unnie!" She excitedly said it and take the waffles. She gave it to me and we both sit at the bench beside the stall. I saw that she eat it deliciously. I eat my waffle too.

"Mijoo ah, I want to ask you someth-" I turn my face to her.
"Hahaha yah are you a kid or what?. There was a little cream at your cheek." I wipe it with my thumb. And chuckeld.

"You said me? You have it too! Hahaha how childlish we are." She take out a tissue from her bag and hand it to me.

"Wipe it for me please~?" I dont know why I'm being childlish like this.

"Aish this guy." She wipe my mouth. I take this change to look at her face. She was so pretty...

"Hoseok ah! Look there!" She excitedly shouted to me. And she looking to a couple that near us.

"What is it?." I take a look and,
"Yoongi Hyung?! With jiae noona? Arent they was enemy?"

"Yeah~ but they look cute right?

"You're right." I smile.
"Mijoo ah... do you want Ice Cream? Its hot right now." Yeah my sweat was like a rain that fall down.


After she replied it, I go to the ice cream shop. I order two cup of ice cream. One for me and one for mijoo. After I ordered it, someone called me and I turn my head. Aish... When did he know that I'm here?. It was my butler Junyeol, bowed to me.

"Hoseok sshi, Your father send me to take you home. It was important." He said it with a serious face.

I know that my father want to talk about that thing. But why must it now?. Cant I just have some happy time with my friend? For the last time maybe?.

"Ok but can please wait a few minutes?" I ask him.
He smile and just nodded gived me the permission. I turn and faced the sellers.

"Can you please give the ice cream to the girl there?. Here the money. Thank you^^." gladly he just smile and go out from the shop.

"Can we go now?" Junyeol ask me.

"Kajja..." I smile a bit to him. Mianhae mijoo ah...

~What about this chapter? What was the thing that important to Hoseok? Wait for the next chapter~ huhu sorry for the late update>\\\< tq for reading it!~
Ouh oh! Did you see the Bts mv? The Epilogue: Young Forever.Bts was so handsome and cool to me! And Lovelyz individual teaser image was so gorgeous and cute!.>< sorry for my long note>~<... I was excited right now><.

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