°Chapter 15:Telling the crew°

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A/N:Thanks for 100+ reads!!!!! 

I also hope you like the new cover and the girl on it is what McKenzie looks like but with medium brown hair.

*Still backstage*

"McKenzie's Pov" 

Go,get changed since we are leavening soon I said to Justin.

But,I want to stay here with you, said Justin.

Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I said back to him.

Okay,fine I'll go get changed but I want a kiss first.

Soon as his lips crashed into mine the door to the dressing room we were in bursted open. Causing, us both to pull apart an see who was in front of us. We looked up to see Kenny,Pattie,Carin and Fredo starring at us in shock.

"Justin's Pov" 

Are you guys going to stop starring at us, I asked to the 4 people who just bursted through the door.

Are you guys a couple asked? Fredo

Yeah, was all I could say.

Finally, you guys date! Shouted my mom (Pattie)

You guys are so cute together said Carin.

All I could do was blush.

*Later that night*

"McKenzie's Pov" 

Since,Justin finished his to two performances in N.Y.C. he gets two weeks off for break. instead of one witch means we are leaving at 4am to fly back to Atlanta. We where heading to the bus right now to start packing. It's going to be different not being around Justin all the time during his two weeks off. Since,I'll be helping Carin plan hers and my dads wedding, and Justin will be doing what ever he does when he has time off.

*On the buses*

"Justin's Pov" 

Me and McKenzie decided to only tell the crew and her closest friends about are realtionship for now. Just because if it doesn't work out she won't have paparazzi following her every move.  

Me and McKenzie were just sitting in the living room couch on the tour bus,just cuddling together. 

It was quiet until McKenzie spoke up.

"McKenzie's Pov" 

Hey,Justin can we talk? 

Sure,what about babe asked Justin. 

You do know when you start your two week break from tour tomarrow, we won't be seeing each other all the time, I said to him. 

Yeah,we will both be back in Atlanta, he said back. 

It's not that. It's that I'm helping your mom and Carin plan the wedding, I said back.

But,your mine! He said back.  

Witch caused me to laugh. 

It's only for the first 4 days of break and I'm sure you'll be around then anyways.

Got that right, he said back.

Because,your obsessed with me I said back.

I'm not, I'm just in love he said back.

Sure,what ever works for you I said as I leaned into kiss him.

Aww how cute! We heard Carin and Pattie say as they snapped a picture.

No,making out on the couch! Dad scolded.

Witch caused us to break apart blushing.

Lots of Justin and McKenzie in this chapter!




-Fan( I fan back)

Also: I know have a ask.fm username is Krysta1998.


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