Chapter 38:Crying.

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~the next day~

"Mckenzie's Pov"

I woke up to the sound of my laptop being blown up with Twitter notifications.

I quickly grabbed it and went to see why my mentions where blown up.

Most where saying have you seen the pictures. I quickly sent out a tweet

@MckenzieBraun: What pictures? #confused

Then my mentions where being blown up with a link.

I clicked on it and I swear I could feel my heart break.

It was Justin kissing some blonde girl and you could tell it wasn't photo shopped.

I closed my laptop and no matter how hard I tried to stop them I had tears running down my face.


"Justin's Pov"

I ended up at staying the night at Ryan's last night and woke up with a major headache.

As, I walked downstairs I noticed Ryan checking Twitter.

Let me guess it's all over Twitter?

Yeah, all your beliebers are talking about and saying what happened to McKenzie, Ryan said.

I'm just hoping Mckenzie or Scooter doesn't see them, I said.

Oh, but McKenzie already has. She tweeted this morning, Ryan.

It was a huge fu*king mistake I made. That's going to make me lose the girl that means the world to me, I said as I started to cry.

I then told Ryan I was going home.

I ran the whole way to my grandparents house.

Hey, Justin where have you been, asked my mom.

I just ignored there questions, and went straight to my room.

All I could think about was how broken McKenzie already was and how much I hurt her more.

I couldn't keep the tears from running down my face by now.

I hurt the girl that means everything to me. There's no way she's going to forgive me.

I told my mom I wanted to go back to Atlanta because I wasn't feeling alright.

She agreed and said we would leave in the morning.

I then texted my dad said I would see him the day after Christmas..

~later in Atlanta~

"McKenzie's Pov"

By now it was nearly 5 in the evening and I haven't left my room at all.

My mom kept knocking on my door trying to get me to come out I refused.

I was in one of Justin's hoodies that he had left here.

I then heard a key in my door witch meant my dad was home because he had a key to every room in the house.

I pulled the blanket over my head.

What's wrong, McKenzie my dad asked.

Nothing, I said.

Something is because you haven't came out of your room all day or ate, my mom said.

I'm not hungry I lied. Then my stomach made a loud noise.

Looks, like you are. I'll bring you a sandwich and chips and I want you to eat it, mom said.

~15 minutes later~

I had already ate the sandwich and chips.

My mom came to make sure I did.

Oh, by the way McKenzie ,Justin and Pattie are coming over for dinner tomorrow.

Just great i thought to myself.

~Author's note~

McKenzie finally knows!!!!

Your lucky I updated so early, only because I ended up with another day of Christmas break.

Anyways, I'll try and update again today if I don't it will be tomorrow.


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