•Chapter 32:Are you alright?

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~2 weeks into tour~

"McKenzie's Pov"

Tour is actually pretty boring. I'm home-schooled on the bus for about 2-3 hours twice a week. I rarely ever see Justin because he's usually always busy. When he's not he's usually sleeping.

The hate just continues to get worse, Justin says ignore it. But,that's all I see weather it be on Instagram,Twitter,Facebook or anything there's always hate.

"Justin's Pov"

I love being back on tour, it's exhausting but if I get to make people happy i'm happy. I just hate how I rarely get to spend time with McKenzie. Luckily, after I did a photo shoot today I got the day off.

Before heading back to the buses, I decided to get McKenzie something. I got her a rose and sour patch kids.

"McKenzie's Pov"

I was just chilling out on my bed on the bus in yoga shorts and Justin's tour shirt.  The two cuts that I did my wrist a few weeks back still haven't showed any signs of scaring. I hate having to wear long sleeves all the time when i'm around everyone other any than Justin. He's the only one that knows.

A few minutes later there was a knock on my door.

Come in, I shouted from my spot on bed.

Hey, babe Justin said as he walked carrying something.

I thought you had a photo shoot today, I asked.

I did, but i'm already finished with it. Also, these are for you I said handing her the rose and sour patch kids.

"Justin's Pov"

What are these for,she asked with a smile forming on her lips.

To make up for me not being able to spend as much time with you these past few weeks.

So, do you want to hang out with the rest of the crew in the living room?

Sure, let me get changed and then I'll be out there.

I gave her a quick peck on the lips for walking out of her room and shutting the door behind me.

"McKenzie's Pov"

I put on a solid neon pink long sleeved shirt even though it's like 75degrees on the bus and white shorts and white converse.

We are just laying around the living room waiting on dinner to be done.

~15 minutes later~

Dinner is done we heard Pattie and my mom shout from the kitchen.

We started eating spaghetti, bread and salad.

I was too busy eating to realize that my sleeve had slid up.

What's that on your wrist, Kenny asked.

N-nothing, I said trying to lie.

I'm full I said as I excused myself from the table.

Before could anyone could ask any more questions.

"Justin's Pov"

Can I be excused, I asked.

Yes, Justin. My mom said.

Hey, Justin can I talk to you a sec, Kenny asked.

Uh-yeah sure I said. As we walked down the hall to my room.

What do you need to talk about, I said scratching my head nervously.

Is what I saw on McKenzie's wrist what I think it is, he asked me.

I-I don't know I said turning away from him.

Justin, I know for a fact you do know and that your not telling me the truth, Kenny said.

I can't tell you,I promised her I wouldn't.

Okay, he said before walking out.

"McKenzie's Pov"

I heard a knock on my door.

Come in, I said.

Hey babe, Justin said.

Hey, I said with little to no emotion in my voice.

Does he know I asked nervously,

No, he asked but I didn't tell him anything.

Thank you.

Knock, Knock I heard on my door.

Come in, I said getting annoyed with the knocking.

Hey, Justin can I talk to McKenzie in private, my mom asked.

Uh-yeah, he said before getting up and leaving my room.

What do you want to talk about I asked.

What's going on McKenzie,my mom asked.

What do you mean, I asked.

You haven't been your self lately. You got up and left dinner when Kenny asked you a question, she stated.

It's just I've had a lot going on. It's nothing you need to worry about I said.

You sure, she asked?

Yeah, I'm sure.

You and Justin aren't doing stuff behind mine and your dad's back are you, she said jokingly.

No, we aren't I promise, I said.

I'll kill Justin if I have to.

Don't I love him.

Alright, good night she said before walking out.


hey, guys I've finally updated!

I'm done with final exams now, so that means more time to write!

Also, Check out my new Justin Bieber story it's called "My life as Justin Bieber's sister".

Also, I know the past couple chapters have mentioned self-harm. I know it can be a sensitive subject for some. If you are one of those i'm sorry. If you ever need to talk just kik me:Krysta98.#StayStrong

I'm gonna ask you guys a question every chapter.

Question: What state/country do you guys live in? I'm just curious.

I live in Illinois!

Merry early Christmas and Happy Early new year! ♡


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