•Chapter 26:Perfect again•

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*A week later*

"McKenzie's Pov"

Me and Justin haven't talked since are break up at all.

I admit why we broke up was stupid in the first place. I was just mad at him for basically completely hiding are relationship. I think me and Justin just need to talk like everybody keeps telling us to do.

I decides to text him for the first time in a week.

To: Justin

Hey,can we please talk about everything that's been going on?

Luckily he agreed to talk to me about everything.

I decided to take a shower and make my self look more presentable.

"Justin's Pov"

I'm actually really glad McKenzie asked if we could talk.

I didn't need a shower since I took one last night. I just changed into black skinny jeans, blue v-neck and,blue supras. I decided to play Fruit Ninja on my phone while I waited on McKenzie.

"McKenzie's Pov"

I finished my shower and put on my undergarments, black leggings and a over sized baby blue hoodie and baby blue vans. I then braided my hair off too the side.

I then left my hotel room, and went next door to Justin's.

"Justin's Pov"

I put my iPhone down and went to open the door. I opened the door to McKenzie. She walked in behind me and sat down on the bed, I sat down next to her awkwardly.

"McKenzie's Pov"

So,you wanted to talk,Justin said awkwardly.

Yes, it's about you know "us"

What about us,Justin asked.

I never gave you a explanation on why I choose to end it between us.

I was just mad and upset that you where basically hiding our relationship all together.

I did it because I thought that's what you wanted. But,now I just fill like a total jerk. I lost the girl who meant the world to me,Justin said.

Stop blaming this all yourself. I'm the one who told you I didn't want are relationship public. Technically, this both are faults.

I just wish you'd give me another chance at being your boyfriend again, Justin said.

If that's your way of asking me back out, yes Justin I'll be your girlfriend again.

We both stood up and hugged each other tight. Right, before he kissed me he whispered in my ear I love you McKenzie Nicole. I whispered back I love you Justin Drew.

Are you ready to g, Alfredo said as he walked in.

I thought Jenzie broke up,Kenny asked walking in behind Alfredo.

It did but,now everything is. Perfect again, Justin said.

•Author's note •

Jenzie's back!!!

Thanks for 4,000+ reads

But,on a side note I made a new twitter!


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