Chapter 36:I forgive you ♥

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(A/N: Here is a short update because I kinda left you guys with a bit of a cliffhanger)

~a few days later~

"Justin's Pov"

Tonight's one of my three final shows of the European leg of the tour. I have another one tomorrow and then my last one Saturday evening.

I haven't really spoken to McKenzie much, do to the fact we are both grounded.

My mom does allow me to use her phone to go on Twitter to tweet to my beliebers so they don't think I'm dead or anything.

"McKenzie's Pov"

My dad has tried to talk to me this past few days but I refuse to talk to him.

Can we please talk McKenzie,dad asked.

No, I said.

You can't be mad at him forever, Justin said.

Yes, I can I said.

No, you can't. So, stop being stubborn and go talk to your dad, Justin said.

Fine, I guess we can talk I said as dad followed me into my room.

About, what I said the other day.  I didn't mean to say that you need to break up with Justin. I guess I just can't realize how happy he makes you.  I actually am really happy you two are together dad said.

Thanks, I forgive you I said as he pulled me in for a hug.

~Author's note~

Okay, I know it's short!! I'll be updating again Sunday and it'll be longer.

Thanks for 18.1k+ reads. I never imagined this story would even reach 20 reads!

Also, check out my other Justin Bieber story My life as Justin Bieber's sister.

One question for you all: What would you guys think of me starting to write imagines?

Let me know in the comments.


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