"Huh?" I quickly turned around but there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Is something wrong?" Oliver asked me. "I thought i heard something" I looked at Sneasel and saw that she was staring intently at something behind me. "Sneasel lets go" I started to walk down the trail again. "Snee..." Sneasel said, Irritated. I still couldn't get rid of the feeling that we were being followed. We walked for about an hour when we came across another Pokecenter. Sneasel and I sat outside on the benches at the side of the trail, It was all forest behind us. "Sneasel!!!" Snesel jumped up from her seat and growled at something behind me. I got up and walked over to a bush that she was staring at. "What is it Sneasel?" I looked behind the bush and there was a Pokemon sitting there. It was the Pokemon that had been following us! I pulled out my Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon. "Glameow, The catty Pokemon. When angry, It flashes it's claws, But it can also purr quite affectionately." Glameow was a normal type Pokemon. I don't know what she was doing way up here in the home of Ice Type Pokemon. "Purr..." Glameow seemed to like me for some reason. She was rubbing against my legs and seemed very happy. "Meow!" She jumped up at me and i held out my arms and held her there. She was still purring for some reason. I took her into the Pokecenter to get her looked at to see if she was healthy. "Oh wow a Glameow!" Said the nurse, "You don't see those up here that often. What a cute Pokemon!" She took Glameow back to the Machine and had her looked at. A few minutes later the nurse brought her back. "There you go, Glameow is healthy as ever!" Glameow followed me outside back to where Oliver, Swinub, and Sneasel were. "You ready to get moving again?" "Yeah sure lets go. Were almost at the bottom to!" We started to walk down the trail and Glameow started following me again. "Huh? Glameow do you want to come with me?" "Meow!!" She really wanted to come with me. "Alrighty then!" I pulled out a Pokeball from my bag and threw it at Glameow. She was absorbed into the ball and it started to roll back and forth for a few seconds before making the clicking sound that indicated she was caught. I Picked up Glameow's Pokeball and we continued down the trail.