Chapter 10 - Decisions

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* Four days later*


'Pale. I've always been pale, but never like this. Gaunt. Yeah, I've definitely lost some weight this week.Why do I look so.. So.. Sick?'Oh wait. It's because I am.'

I stand in front of my bathroom mirror, dripping wet, with only a towel around my waist to cover my now underweight body.
I am feeling better since the chemo, but one look at the pale figure standing before me reminds me that while I'm not still puking every hour and sleeping all day, I am indeed still just as sick as I was before. In just the short amount of time since the start of my first treatment, I've gone from looking completely fit and healthy to something much less than.

I sigh and pull the towel from around my waist to dry the rest of my body. Once finished, I put a comfortable pair of black sweats and a tee shirt on and proceed down to the kitchen where I know Harry will have breakfast waiting on the table.

The smell of bacon and eggs coming from downstairs only confirmed my theory, and I was surprised when my stomach, instead of lurching with nausea as it had so often over the last week at the smell of food, growled with a hollow hunger.

I smirked, and towling off my still wet hair, I made my way down to the small kitchen where I found Harry and Louis eating breakfast together at our small dining table.

"Morning Ni. "

Morning Nialler! "

"Morning lads." I smiled at the two and looked hungrily at their plates, my mouth watered at the sight of the huge portions of bacon and eggs on both.

I pointed to the plates. "Is there any left?"

"You're hungry?" Harry asked, slightly surprised. Niall didn't blame him for being so, it was just last night he was bent over the toilet expelling the only water he'd been able to drink that day.

I shrugged. "I got a shower this morning and when I smelled breakfast I got hungry."

"Well, it's good to hear you've improved some. There's some more bacon and eggs on the stove. Take as much as you like. Oh, and there's hot water in the kettle for tea as well. " Harry replied with a smile.

"Thanks mate." I replied and proceeded to make my way over to the oven to make my own plate.

I had just joined Harry and Louis at the table when Liam came through the front door yelling at the phone attached to his ear. His face was red, and his normally calm demeanor was replaced with one of anger and frustration.

"Fuck you. And fuck management. This is fucking ridiculous." Liam growled, and then in one swift motion, he pulled the phone away from his ear.

"Liam, mate, what was that about?" I asked, in slight awe.

Liam was always the calm one in the group. It was strange to see him so obviously worked up.

"Fucking management. They want us to do a concert in Barcelona. The same day your next treatment is set to begin."

Louis sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Harry's mouth fell open and Zayn's eyes widened.

"Did you tell them it's out of the question?" Louis asked, but he knew there was no arguing when he saw the look of defeat on Liam's face.

"They don't give a damn that Niall's going to be hospitalized. They told me if we didn't agree to do the concert, we could kiss our tour goodbye."

"Lads. You've got to do this concert." I stated. There was no question, no room for argument. "This tour, it's everything we've worked for. I'll miss out, but lads, we knew this would happen eventually."

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