Chapter 2- Patience

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    After arriving at the hospital,  Niall had been taken straight to the triage unit, and the lads and I had been forced to go and sit out in the waiting room while he was checked out. 

    I stared down at my once clean white shirt, now covered in blood.
Nialls blood.

   I kept thinking about how he had looked so small in my arms, and how awful he had looked with blood streaming from his nose as the paramedics worked to get an oxygen mask secured to his face on the way here. 

  My hands were shaking.  My mind was racing.  The sounds of the busy ER around me were strangely magnified,  and my my ears were ringing. 

  It was nearly an hour before a doctor finally did come out to talk to us.  The man looked to be in his late thirties,  and he was wearing light blue scrubs, complete with pair of  white crocks on his feet. 

  " You lads are here for Niall Horan, correct? " he asked as he approached us.

   " Yeah, how is he?"  Harry replied, getting up to greet the man.

  I looked up as the doctor answered.     " Well he's pretty dehydrated at the moment,  his blood counts are quite low, and he has a temp of about 104 right now. To be honest,  he isn't doing to well. "

  " What's wrong with him?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. 

" Well, we suspect he is suffering from a bad case of food poisoning,  however that's not what's concerning me most at the moment.  You see, your friend came in with a pretty serious nose bleed, and we had some trouble getting it under control. That, along with a lowered white blood count, can mean there is something more going on here." The doctor replied, wearing a serious expression on his face. 

   " What do you mean something more?"  Louis asked, sounding anxious.

  " Well we are going to admit him for the night to do some more testing, to be sure there isn't an underlying  cause for your friend's condition."  the man explained.

   There was silence as these words sank in.  After a moment, Zayn stood up.

   " Can we see him now?" He asked quietly. 

   The doctor nodded. 

" Of coarse, I'm here if you have any questions. " He said, and then he turned to show us to Niall's room.

  "This way."

We followed him through a set of large double doors , and then down a long corridor before we arrived at one of the triage rooms located at the very back of the ER. 

   The doctor turned to face us before opening the door.

  " A word of warning before you go in there." He started, looking at each of us before continuing.

  " Niall is pretty sick at the moment,  and so we have him hooked up to a few different machines to help get him better quicker. He is hooked up to two IV lines, one for fluid administration and the other for a blood transfusion,  as he had lost a lot of blood upon his arrival. There is also a heart monitor and an oxygen mask for  extra precaution. "

   I took a deep breath. This was a lot to take in at once. I wasn't sure that I was ready to see this. Niall rarely got sick, and from what I knew, the only time he had ever been in the hospital was when he had broken his leg playing football last summer.

   I ran an anxious hand through my hair as the doctor opened the door and stepped aside. 

   I walked in and stopped beside the bed, getting a good look at our sick band  mate.  Niall was looking paler than ever against the stark white sheets on his bed, and there were dark circles under his eyes that hadn't been there before.  I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. 
   " Bloody hell.." I heard Zayn whisper. 
  It was worse than I had anticipated. Niall was seemingly covered in wires, all going in different directions over his blankets. I tried to keep in mind that they were there to help him, to make him better, but it was still upsetting.   I took a seat in one of the chairs closest to the bed, and I reached out and laid a hand on Niall's shoulder.

  It was going to be a long night.

Well there you have it! Chapter two is up! Enjoy! More to come soon guys, and don't forget leave your comments and vote! Bye!

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