Chapter One

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a/n Please tell me you read the pre read otherwise you won't understand a word(:



-Stella's POV-



"Anyone there?" I sigh, slightly annoyed. 

"Okay, I don't know what the hell your problem is or who the hell you think you are but I've had it with you and your 'I'll just call and not talk' act. It's really starting to piss me off. If you call one more time I swear-" I start to rage at who-knows-who it is on the phone but I'm interupted by a loud voice,

"STELLA GET YO ASSIN DOWN HERE WE'RE HOME" Darsh screams from downstairs and I hang up quickly. 

"Do you realise how bad it is to shout across the house I mean for one.." I hear Angela start to lecture Darsh. 


I run down the stairs and into the Living room, 

Wouldn't it be funny if someone died in the living room? HAHAHAHA I'm lame, I know. 

"Whats up guys? what did you buy while you were out?" I say and try not to be too suspicious, Angela and Darsh don't know about the calls and I hope to keep it that way.

Not in a bad way of course! They are my best friends! It's just I don't need more stress and problems right now. 

I quickly read Darsh's mind. Good. She doesn't suspect a thing.

"Well, I bought a totally chic dress! Darsh bought a really cute oversize hoodie, some dark jeans and white chucks.. um and we got something else..." Angela tells me in a really posh tone while searching through her bag. 

Oh god. 

She's still trying to sound british! I'm just sticking with my kiwi accent, as for Darsh.. I don't even know what accent she's going for.

"Ta-da!!" Angela screams at me and throws me a folded top. I open it up and my mouth hangs open. 

O to the 

M to the 


It's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! 

okay enough with the spelling of letters.. but you get the point. 

It's the EXACT colour of my eyes, bright blue. It has a O shaped neck and it's a tank top - thick straps and Bright blue flowers cover the white under cover. Then there's the letters in the middle, bright and bold in black: FREE SPIRT

"OMG" I scream and give angela a giant hug 

"hey! I chose it too!" Darsh pouts and I give her a quick squeeze.

"Off to your rooms ladies! I need to get changed" I command them and they play along and run off to their rooms to try on their clothes.

I lean over the couch, turn the stero on and slip in my favourite CD. 

The music fulls the room

"whenever I close my eyes 

I picture you there, 

I'm looking out at the crowd you're everywhere, 

I'm watching you from the stage, yeah 

your smile is on every face, now 

but every time you wake up  

you're hearing me say, 


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