Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to R.IP Uncle Paddy


(this chapter is Dedicated to my Uncle Paddy R.I.P Love you <3)


-Stella POV-

I let the last pile of files fall out of my hands and land on the ground with a satisfying Thud.

"There that should do it" I chirp and rub my hand's together.

I have just emptied out the WHOLE of Rebecca's cabinet filled with her 'precious' Papers and what not. 

I know I probably shouldn't have done this but she crossed the line and once you cross the line, well, there's no going back.

The girls just sit there with shocked expressions on their faces

"Lets get this party STARTED girlies" I shout, jump on Rebecca's Desk and pull out my phone.

"Any song requests..?" I ask them and we all scream out "ONE DIRECTION" at the same time.

The music starts and we all jump up and down to the beat

"From the moment I met you,  

Everything changed 

I knew I had to get you 

Whatever the pain,

I had to take you and make you mine, and make you mine,

I would walk through the desert, 

I would walk down the aisle"

I start trashing everything I can on Rebecca's desk because I'm in a foul mood and I glance over at the girls who are jumping up and down on the couch and laughing hesterically.

"I would swim all the oceans, 

just to see you smile, 

Whatever-" The song comes to a stop and both the girls freeze and their mouths hang open.

I know I'm hot guys but really?

"It takes it's fine!" I sing the end of the line and strike a sexy pose,

"Ohh ohhh ohh, So put your hands up,

Ohhh ohh ohhhh, cause it's a stand up" some voices - that sound alot like One Direction sing.

I turn around and see 5 Very SEXY faces smiling at me.

Holy mother of hotness. 

It's One Direction.

Stay cool Stella. 

Don't act stupid and Don't fangirl!

"It's about time you showed up" I hiss and rip my phone out of Harry's hand's who no doubt stopped the music to text himself just so he has my number.

I stare down at my phone and find that's exactly what he was doing.

"You had to text yourself to get my number? now that's low" I retort at him and watch his face crumble. 

I know I'm being a bitch but It's the only way I'm not going to fangirl.

"Uh hi, I'm Louis this is Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry. We're uh... sorry we're late.. we had a bit of... er.. trouble getting here" Louis mumbles and then sticks out his hand for me to shake.

I high five it instead  

"I'm Stella" I smile trying to sound friendly but I probably sound mental. 

Then I motion to the girls "Angela and Darsh" I introduce them without sounding too retarded. I think.

"We know darling, you guys are like the most famous models ever" Zayn beams clearly happy to meet us

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