Chapter Five

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(a/n This chappie is dedicated to  _boydirectioner bc I'm in love with his stories and he's the bomb diggdy, so check him out c;)

*2 Weeks Later*

-Stella's POV-


"No" Darsh teases and walks toward the edge of the roof we're doing our modeling shoot on.

"If you push that hot chocolate off the edge I swear I will kill you and make it look like a accident" I warn Darsh steping closer, and just as I'm about to grab it she drops it. Off the edge of the building.

I don't dare look I'm so scared of heights it's crazy.

"oops" She laughs and goes to sit back down on the soft couch.

I just stand there in shock, the suns rays pounding down on my face.

how could she do this?

Darsh knows how much I love my hot chocolates, and right now at this stressful shoot, all I wanted was my nice, delious, starbucks hot chocolate.

"GIRLS CAN I HAVE YOU BACK IN FRONT OF THE POOL AGAIN?" I hear Rebecca scream out across the roof top.

"In a sec babes, I gotta go get a hot chocolate" I shout back at her and start walking down the long winding stairs when a firm hand cause me to stumble to the floor.

"If you leave you're fired" Wincy - the owner of the whole Modeling line, hisses at me.

"DON'T HURT MY MODELS" Rebecca cries and comes over to help me up but I object and get up myself.

"Go on. Fire me. But we all know that I have made you more money in the past year than you have made in your whole 27 years running this place" I sass and then continue walking down the stairs, leaving everyone speachless.

Arg all the stress has been getting to me lately. Two weeks ago - The morning after we met One Direction, I ACTULLY GOT UP EARLY!

I'm just as shocked as you are!

But I felt really... happy? complete?

That morning I woke up, humming as I had a shower and put my make up on and braided my hair. I got Darsh and Angela's lazy butts up and got them to sort their shiz out before we left. As they were getting ready Rebecca called and asked us to pack our bags! we were going to Paris for a couple of weeks for the Vouge Photo shoot.

Which we had now been doing doing for two weeks. Hopefully we go back and get to model with One Direction, because no matter how snappy I get at them I really do find them amazing!


"A Mint Hot Choc please" I smile at the person at the counter, who's a drop dead gorgeous guy that looks about my age.

He has Blonde beach hair, that covers most of his forehead and flicks, just like the Beibs. He's pretty toned, not to mention his abs that are hidden under his top. And his Deep blue eyes have me lost.

"Sure" He says returning the smile and winking "What's your name?"

"Stella" I'm blushing by now... trust me, I'm not as good at flirting as you might think.

"Hey Love, I'm Stanley" He chuckles as he scribbles my name on the cup, taking a little longer than it should to write 'Stella'

I hand over my money and head to the bar stall to wait for my hot chocolate.

"NO WAY YOU'RE STELLA ATKIN" A girl around 13 screams and covers her mouth in shock. I cringe and try to avoid all the people charging towards me, but it's impossible.

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