Creepy Vampire Pervert

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~My mind has been like: "zomfg u freaking bitch u take like 4evs to upload, i h8 u! unfanning!" -_- Well here's a new chapter, I quite like it :3 ~ 5 days later: Proof read this shit, yep I suck at writing, read only if you are being held hostage and reading this story will let you be free.~   Dedication to PaintTheRainbowBlack because she is freaking awesome ^_^ <33

¸¸.•°' The Vampire Prince is Funnier Than Me? – Creepy Vampire Pervert'°•.¸¸.

.¸¸.•°' Isabella’s P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

All I’ve done since I've gotten here is sulk. Maybe a walk around this maze would take my mind off a few things.


“Watch where you’re going ass hole!” Screamed the brick wall I just collided with. I tilted my face up to get a better look at the bleach blonde, teenage guy, who scarily looked a lot like Cameron and Chaos.

“Oh my fucking cheesecake, you’re a woman!” No shit Sherlock. I guess it’s true what they say about blondes… “Eh pardon me, what I am trying to say is - what is a beautiful human like you doing wondering around in my fortress?” He raised my hand and kissed it softly. 

"Please could you take your fish lips off my hand, fang-face."

Yay, way to go Izzy, aggravating vampires is totally not going to get you killed; good luck trying to make it past 30. Please note the sarcasm, you peasants. 

I legged it and sprinted away from that guy as fast as I could. Who says I can’t out run a vampire? And once again:


I felt the pain shoot up my back as I was forced against a rough pillar.

"What the hell dude?!" I screamed, trying to escape from his deadly embrace. "Don't touch me you perv!"

“Listen little Miss Bitch, don’t think you can slap me and get away with it. You don’t know who you’re messing with, do you? If I were you, I would think twice before acting like that again around here,” he exclaimed shortly after he shoved a pair of fangs in my face. His minty breath was closing in on me, intoxicating my lungs.

I felt my pulse drop from the touch of his cold finger, "I'm feeling kind of peckish...”

Whatcha gonna do Edward Cullen, bite me?

A screeching hiss filled my ears. I forgot that vampires could read minds.

I would have kicked this fucker in the balls if he wasn't forcing all his weight on toes. That’s it, I'm going to die. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes caused by the harsh pain.

Suddenly, a wide set of doors smashes open.

“I’m giving you five seconds to let go of her or you're dead, Casper!”

Hoorah! My knight in shining armour is finally here to rescue me!

“I was just joking around with her, calm your tits bro,” Casper smirked at me then brushed his body off mine.  

“Yeah well she’s mine and I don’t like to share,” Chaos said mocking Casper's tone. “Leave her alone and you won't wake up in a cage half way to Switzerland.”

Casper looks up, "I'm not promising anything. Also I'll let Cody know you bought fresh meat for Dinner." He then proceeded to make his way out of the secluded room after throwing me an inappropriate wink. Creep.

“Hey! I’m not going to stand here and be treated like the last gummy bear in the bag, I shall not be shared.” I breathed out with a pout.

Who’s Cody? Please don’t tell me there are more psycho [but unbelievably good looking zomfg] vampires living here.

Something I’ve noticed around here is that everyone begins with the letter C. C for creepy child kidnappers. They didn’t technically kidnap me as no one forced me to come here against my will. If Ari finds out what I've done she’ll kill me with one of her evil medieval torture devices. Speaking of Ari, I need to call her later but I seemed to have lost my cell phone. Who even says cell phone anymore?

“Do you think my brother’s hotter than me?” A voice ringed, with curiousness, and something along the lines of smugness. I spat out my cherry soda and raised my eyebrows at Chaos. He was tapping his chin with his pointer finger in a questioning manner. “Like I don’t know why but my brother always gets the girls. A ‘chick magnet’ is the term he’d use to describe himself. And you’re the first girl I've gotten.” My eyebrows rose even higher, what is this dude on? “No wait not like that, you’re not my girlfriend and I don’t like you, like you, we’re friends, right? Anyway I’ve got some errands to run, I’ll see you later.”

What kind of prince has to run errands? Surely he has someone to do almost everything for him, like a butler or maid. I could sense that Chaos had gotten a hint of my thoughts the way he briskly got off the chaise longue and walked into the huge ass oak door. Smooth.

.¸¸.•°' Chaos’ P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

Yeah real smooth Chaos. I mentally slapped myself a trillion times. 

I'm an anti-chick magnet. I wonder why all the girls run away from me. It's not like I'm a weird, perverted loser like my brother. Maybe if I was a little reserved... Yeah right that's never going to happen. Hoe please I am my own man and I don't need no Shaniqua to satisfy me. Forever alone with my gummy bears.

I'm such an ass for running away from Izzy. I should probably go back to her before Casper decides to eat her for dinner. But walking is so much effort. Why can't vampires fly? 

.¸¸.•°' Isabella’s P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

I was hoping Chaos wasn’t going to leave me alone again. If I have another encounter with his brother, he won’t hesitate to chop my head off with a freaking tomahawk.

I wonder if vampires can read minds in different rooms and what a great time to test it out. 

'Chaos, if you can hear me, can you please drag your ass back here before your psycho brother kills me.'

I felt like I was at the supermarket with my parents and they had left me alone at a random isle. Oh the horror.

Talking about super markets, maybe I should stock up on some garlic spray and crucifixes, just in case there's a hundred more creepy vampire perverts.

“OH MY GAWD WELL AREN’T YOU A PRETTY LITTLE THING?!” That's not something a creepy vampire pervert would say. I’m guessing this is Cody…

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