Veggietaytay Vampire

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~*~ Haven't uploaded in like 3 months! T_T Ah well new chapter! :D  ~*~

Song on the side I found when I was researching vampires. The cartoon vampire in the video looks EXACTLY like how I pictured the Vampire Prince to look like! Freaky >.> O_O ------->

.¸¸.•°' Veggietaytay Vampire '°•.¸¸.

 .¸¸.•°' Chaos' P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

Her thoughts were irritating me. As a vampire, I could sense the anger bubbling inside of me. Hang on; did she just compare me to Skittles?!? Wow, I must look delicious enough to eat. I shall have some leftover Skittles inside my cape from this morning's breakfast.

I was supposed to be out in the Human World to hunt, Chrystyne and the other witches and warlocks forced me to go out and drink human blood so I can get a healthy diet! Pfft hoe please! What other vampire do they know that eats skittles for breakfast, lunch, dinner and have toned abs and a tasty six-pack?!? None! Except from me *wink wink*

Oh crap she's coming over. Should I eat her? Eurgh hell no, I'm a vegetarian! Quite rare as people may think; a Vegetarian Vampire but that's a whole different subject. Right now I need to remain as still as a statue then she might not realise I'm here! That's probably the only cleverest thing I've said today, akward...  Too late.

Uh oh, she knows about us Vampires! How on Earth did she identify us that easily??? She could be a slayer... My mind suggested. I need to be sure if she's a slayer, I don't exactly want to kill a beautiful, innocent human. Er you just saw her a few minutes ago. Yeah, but I can't stop staring at her, oh lord she must think I'm a freak! Why is she staring back at me? Oh girl wants to have a eye stare competition, bring it oooon! Blood rushed through her pale white cheeks, awww how cute, little human girl's blushing!

The girl, who's name I do not know took tiny baby steps. Time seemed to have been frozen for our eyes which were locked together.

I want her. Now.

.¸¸.•°' Isabelle's P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

The dude has either got problems with his eyes or he's staring at me. My feet were disobeying me and stalked towards the mysterious man. Go back! He could be a paedophile! Shut up now, too late I'm just a few baby steps away from him. If I don't be cocky, mean, bitchy, annoying etcetera... He might not bite my head off.

I tear my eyes away from the dull concrete ground and then burned them straight into the Vampire's captivating gaze. He was making me go Gaga over him with those rare, dark purple eyes he had. Those eyes bought out the innocence in him, which I hope he has. Spheres of purple looked familiar as they seemed to have possessed me, luring me and creepily commanding my feet to move closer.  I’ll surely memorise those purple eyes if I have ever met him; one way to describe it, unforgettable smexiness!

Only a few millimetre steps closer to him. What am I supposed to do if Ashley, Ariel & Cameron come back this moment, I do want them to come back as soon as possible but I want to get to know the creature. Calling him a creature makes him sound like an Animal... Vampires are Bats, Bats are Animals. Simples.

WHOOOOOSH!! The Vampire lunged himself on to me in a split second, punching the oxygen out of me. What the crap?!?! Suddenly, his fragranted hand followed along and slammed into my fragile face! Well that's gonna leave a mark. I thought he would be nice! Bring it on vampire slag, I gotskillssss! I’ve broken a lot of things before, I may be lucky enough to break his nose!

“How do you know I'm a Vampire?! How do you know about our species?!” He shouted….? I think he was trying to sound intimidating unfortunately he had a human's voice. Vampires speak human, Idiot. Is Human even a language?!

I slapped his huge hand away from my mouth like constipated bat. “You ask me a stupid question and expect me to answer it with your filthy hand over my mouth?! You my friend need mental help! Dude, don't chu go around thinking I ain’t watched Twilight, yeah I saw you sparkle! Freaking Edward Cullen wannabe.” I shrieked the whole thing out because his grip was tightening every second I dared to breath.

“I was not sparkling! That was my ehhh, sparkly batman cape... Uh! I won't bite you! Ewww that's gross! Not that you don't smell nice I'm a veggietaytay!” He read my mind on the last part and I think that 'Veggietaytay' means Vegetarian in retard language.

My phone buzzed alerting me that I had a text. Putting my index finger up silently telling Vampy to shut the fudge up for a few minutes.

'Hey Izzy. Just letting you know we went to the hospital cuz Cam swallowed a spoon & a twig. Long story. We're covered in ice cream vomit so we went home. A ride will come for you in 20 minutes. Take care, don't get into trouble! Ariel <3 xoxo'

“I could take you home if you want, 20 minutes is going to take forever. Pretty name you have, is it short for Isabelle?” Piped vampy guy over my shoulder, scaring the wits out of me.

“I don't really want to go home, haven't exactly got a home. Eh, excuse me! Nosy much? Yes it is thanks” It was getting really dark, time must have flown by. Ariel, Ashley and Cameron all offered me to stay and live in their houses but I can't get out of my foster home until I'm 18, according to some letter my birth parents signed. I declined all their offers politely every time it was bought up.

“You could come live with me! I would love to have a friend at the Palace with me! It gets slightly boring with 1 person pranking over a thousand maids and servants. Please come with me, you could be my Barbie in my Vampire world!” He chimed and grinned like a 5 year old. Did this mental Thing say Palace?!

Is he what I think he is?

No way!

~*~There's my short excuse of a chapter! :D Huzzah! Didn't take me too long to right this :)) Was this even worth the 3 month wait? :/ ...... If you liked this please Vote & Comment! =D Who wants a dedication?! xD Okay Byeeeeee, already started the next chapter O_O. Lurrrrv all those who read this! xD ~*~

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