Rainbow Cake!

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.¸¸.•°' The Vampire Prince is Funnier Than Me? – Rainbow Cake! '°•.¸¸.

.¸¸.•°' Chaos’ P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

She’s holding my hand, ohemgee.

Well, I was the one who took her hand but now my palms are sweating. Now Chaos, she’s just a girl, only a harmless girl, it’s not like she’s going to stab you in the eye or anything. I turned to her and gave her a queasy smile. I told her we were going to the kitchen to get some snacks so she half dislocated my arm and dragged me whilst skipping. She tripped over her untied shoelaces and landed head first in to a bowl of rainbow coloured goo.

I burst out in fits of laughter. She slowly lifted her head out of the bowl and gave me that ‘you better stop laughing before I fly you off to Switzerland’ look. She was going to come and chop my bawlz off. I love reading her mind, so much goes on in there; it’s like a party.

“Wait don’t move you’re going to sli-” Just as I thought, she slipped on the egg and milk gloop mixture and fell onto her butt. Ouch. I still can’t help but laugh. Clutching my sides I cracked up laughing again. She emerged her head from the bowl and took a glance at me. If looks could kill I would be dead by now…

She needs to be washed. I lifted her up with ease; this girl should weigh a ton from the amount she eats. I carried her over my shoulder, surprised that she wasn’t complaining. Hang on.

“You have a nice ass by the way.” I smirked, imagining her annoyed face. I heard her mumble ‘pervert.’

Dropping her in front of the bathroom sink I wondered off for an hour waiting for her to get cleaned up.


An alarming scream flooded my ears, it coming from the bathroom.

Oh my god.

I grabbed the closest thing next to me for a weapon.

This vase will do.

I dropped the vase; millions of pieces of glass now covered the floor. Standing in front of me was a no a longer chocolate brunette but now a rainbow haired raging girl. Well at least she’s clean.

Yep, she is going to send me to Switzerland.

.¸¸.•°' Isabella’s P.O.V '°•.¸¸.

“You look fine!”

“I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING RAINBOW PONY” I couldn't help but help shout. My hair looks like a pile of rainbow vomit! I had the vampire prodding my hair with a brush and a hairdryer. "I think it's moving" He whispered to himself. I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that.

After a while of experimenting with my hair, he yet again placed me over his shoulder into the kitchen. Time to get some answers. Off to the kitchen.

Our super amazing plan was to drag the cook into the kitchen cellar. No one messes with my hair and gets away with it! We should get some sunglasses; I bet we'd look total badass in them.

We were making our way to the cellar, pushing and shoving each other all the way down. I felt an arm creeping on my neck. “STOP TOUCHING ME!” I shrieked. I would have karate chopped that vampire but my arms were carrying a box of duct tape and rope.

It took us longer than I thought to get this woman onto the chair. Note to self; don't ever trust a vampire with a rolling pin, or say goodbye to your head.

Tossing a roll pin from hand to hand, I circled the lady, who was responsible for my fruity locks. I tied her to a chair with the help of… I still don’t know his damn name.

“Maybe you can explain the hair… SPEAK WOMEN, YOU’RE NOT MUTE!” This vampire is a terrible interrogator.

“Take the tape off her mouth idiot.” I said prodding the end of the rolling pin into his side, which made him giggle. He did not just giggle…

“Crack the beans toots!”

Finally, we got her to talk. “I was informed that the master was bringing a guest and I planned to make a rainbow cake so I went to Chaos' room and stole some of his hair dye products to make the rainbow colours. Then Ms I’m-not-going-to-tie-my-shoe-laces-because-I’m-too-badass came in and killed it” she waggled her finger in my direction “Because you ruined this cake, 15 unicorns had to die as a sacrifice!”

Possessed psychopath.


Me, the cook and Vampy ended up making a new batch of rainbow cakes and apologised to each other for our stupidity. I'm so tired right now I could sleep on this floor. It was like 3 o'clock in the morning. Where did time go? 

“Welcome to my world, human.” This vampire was jaw dropping perfect I couldn’t help but stand in amazement. “Aww thank you, that’s so cute you’re blushing again.” He pinched my cheeks, no one pinches my cheek! Shit, was I voicing my thoughts? He can read your mind dumbass. Oh.

He awkwardly coughed, “Well then, as much as I enjoy reading your mind I must introduce myself,” he extended his hand, what was I supposed to do with it? I just slapped it. He chuckled but continued to speak, “My name’s Chaos but you can call me sexy edible chinchilla guy! Joke, no don’t call me that or I’ll send YOU to Switzerland”

“You look strangely familiar, have I seen you before?” I went straight in with the question that has been stuck in my brain for this whole journey. My head went lopsided, observing every detail of Chaos.

“Ah, you may know my identical twin! He's out I think, no wait he's at home, I can smell him. Forget I said that, it sounds weird… His name is-” As soon as he was about to say the name he disappeared in a poof. A gloved hand slapped his mouth shut and lifted Chaos off the ground. Two purple and green cloudy trails entwined up the staircase.

He was gone for an hour now, “CHAOS!” I called out his name for the millionth time but there was no response. I went towards a staircase that seemed to have gone on forever; it was like a hiking trip.

I was facing the back of Chaos as he was in a conversation with someone; his twin.

“Hello Isabella, you finally found me. Meet my twin!” He announced, calling me not by my nickname like I had wanted. So this is going to be Casper I assume. He took a step back and introduced me to…


That can’t be his twin!

No frigging way.

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