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You, along with the rest of your friends were going to the annual Blackwood getaway that Josh organized each year. You and Chris wanted to be the first ones to be there, mainly because you were Josh's best friends, and being close to the Washington twins, they insisted on you being there first. You were looking out the cable car window, hearing your phone vibrate you reached for it, feeling your cheeks heat up with seeing Josh's name across the screen.



You texted him that you were already on the cable car with Chris and you were just a tab bit cold.

Tell Cochise to lend you his sweater, Hannah and Beth will kill him if you get frostbite and I most likely join them too


'Pretty sure I won't get frostbite, besides I'm just cold not freezing', you replied.

Fine then, but if you're still cold by the time you get to the cabin, I'll gladly warm you up by the fire ;)


Your face was on fire, you didn't even bother texting him back because you weren't sure how to reply. You and Josh had a close friendship that sometimes was on the borderline of being something more by the way he spoke to you. Chris, Hannah and Beth would constantly tease you and while you would try to make them think otherwise, Josh wouldn't say anything to stop them, instead would tell you to ignore them, even if you would always be a blushing mess every time they talked about it.

"So you excited to see Josh," Chris said as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, clearly having read the messages between you and him.

Your eyes shot up, noticing that he was rereading the texts with a smirk, and you instantly shut your phone in embarrassment and felt your face heat up even more then it was moments ago.

"Yea of course I am, I mean he's our best friend," you said hoping he wouldn't tease you about it. 

"Yea he is, but I don't think Josh would warm me by the fire...I mean he might if I ask...but pretty sure it won't mean the same as with you," he said with a smirk as he stared back at his phone.

"I swear Chris sometimes your bromance with Josh leans more on the romance side," you said teasingly.

"Is someone getting jealous, don't worry (Y/N), I'm not planning on stealing him from you," he said pushing your shoulder.

"I'm not jealous, me and Josh are just friends, nothing more and nothing less," you tried to explain.

"pretty sure it's more, I mean me and Josh have been best friends since fourth grade, and he hasn't invited me personally to spend the summer in the Blackwood Lodge with his family," Chris said with a smile, making you blush.

He was right, during the summer Josh had invited you to come, saying that summer at the mountain was just as beautiful as in winter; the forests were green and lush and didn't have to worry about frostbite when you would stare at the stars. You agreed, expecting the rest of the gang to be there as well, but when Josh picked you up and arrived to the mountain, you noticed it was just his family...his whole family. Josh introduced you to his parents, his mother quickly taking a liking to you, calling you his girlfriend, no matter how many times you corrected her throughout the trip, that eventually you stopped and let her call she whatever she wanted. His father liked you as well, even if he wasn't verbal about it like his mom, at least that's what Josh told you, and his sisters had made it their mission that summer to make sure you would spend a lot of time with him. All in all, it was a fun summer.
"It was just one summer," you sighed, glad that the cable car finally landed, and quickly hopped out of the car hoping to avoid any further questions from your blond haired friend.

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