Another JoshxReader

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hands are in your hair, playing with the long locks. Your lips are pressed tightly together. Breathing heavy and ragged.

You're perched on the counter in his kitchen. You barely made it through breakfast. You didn't even get chance to make it. His lips were hungry for you. The world stopped spinning as your bodies pressed tightly against each other, hot and heavy.

"You're too good at this." You practically purr into his ear, as his arms wrap around your waist, pressing you up against his bulging crotch. "What if someone comes downstairs?"

Josh didn't reply, just ran his hands over your hips, tracing circles on your skin, kneading over them so slightly. His hands were soft and warm. "We can give them a good show." His voice was low and husky as he pried your mouth open with his lips, taking in the taste of you. He always found it hard to stop kissing you. He found your lips and kisses very addictive. It was sometimes like he needed them to survive. You were like a drug to him; he couldn't get enough.

His hands dropped down to your ass and he pulled you closer, making you buck your hips up as one hand ran down to your underwear, lightly teasing you through the material. You spread your legs as you let out a low whimper. "Not fair." You whispered as his hands move away and a smirk rises on his lips.

"Better take those off, shall we?"

Nodding you began to wiggle out of your underwear, letting them drop down to your ankles as your legs wrapped themselves around Josh.

His hands don't go back to where you want them. Instead he rolls his body against yours, creating friction between you, enough for you to let out a moan.

Two can play at this game.

As he continued to grind his hips against yours, you rolled your hips with his, loving the sound of his gasps as you hit him just right. He practically slammed your body back, his lips crushing back against yours. He stops the gyrating and his hands go back down between your legs, opening your folds and rubbing against your clit. The shock makes you let out a gasp, followed by a low moan as his fingers work hard against you.

"Oh fuck." You moan out loudly, forgetting about everyone else in the house as you. You spread your legs a little more, feeling his fingers moving against you. he inserts one, two then three fingers, pumping inside you, feeling you tense against him.

Just as you feel yourself getting closer he pulls his fingers out. He takes a finger inside his mouth and tastes you, smirking. "That's good baby."

Grabbing his hair you pulled him back to your lips, hot and heavy against each other. With one hand you shoved his boxers down. "Fuck me, Josh." You practically moaned in his mouth, wanting nothing more than to have him right there in that kitchen on the counter.

His kisses were growing more eager and heated by the second as he started grinding against you again. You leaned away from the kiss and moved your lips close to his ear. "If you don't fuck me right now, so help me god Joshua!"

Before you can even think he slowly slides inside your folds, his cock hard inside you, your breathing hitched. He was grinding slow. Painfully slow. He wanted you to beg, you just knew it.

"Josh, please." You whimpered in his ear, adjusting yourself to him. "Please baby."

Josh was smirking, one hand going down to your waist and pulling you close to him. "Keep begging."

You squirmed as another gasp fell from your lips as he moved himself very slightly inside you, enough to make your head dizzy. "Josh!"

Your words caught in your mouth as Josh thrusted himself inside you, both of your moans filling the room. He grabbed harder onto your hips, his thrusts hard and deep, your legs wrapping around his waist. His body was wrapped so tightly around you, each thrust precise, hitting you in the spot that drove your crazy.

Your clit hit hard against his pubic bone with each thrust, each time he shifted his body to catch that sweet spot he knew would make you moan his name. Each thrust making you go louder and louder.

You try to hold him closer as you nip at each other's skin, moaning, mewling, your body shaking. His lips are hot and heavy against your skin as he sucks on any part of your body he can. Your bodies are moving faster together, your back against the wall as your lift a hand up to support yourself, holding tightly to the cupboard door. Josh's own hands are gripping tightly to your waist.

You feel a hot sensation building up inside your body. It lifts you up and up until your whole body explodes, your breathing becoming ragged as you feel yourself coming down. Josh is slowing down, his breathing heavy as he flops against you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.

"Fuck me." He whispers, his voice hoarse as he tries to control his breathing as holds you close to him, your hands running through his hair.

"I think I just did." You teased, feeling extremely tired.

Josh chuckled and pulled back from you, putting on a really bad accent. "That was good fuck, no?"

Rolling your eyes you shoved him away, only for him to move back to plant a sweet kiss on your lips. "Did you know that I love you?"

"Hmmm, it may have been mentioned a couple of times."

He grinned brightly at you, kissing you again, his kiss slobbery but you didn't mind.

"I love you too."

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