Air~ ChrisxReader

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There will probably be a smut warning somewhere in here idk

You and Chris went hiking up the mountain near the lodge to get some fresh air. The mountain wasn't very big so you could get to the top easier.

"Hey Chris could we go back to the lodge in a bit? It's getting kind of cold" you said trying to catch your breath. "Sure (Y/N)" he said as you two went back down he mountain.

On the way back to the lodge you felt like a popsicle in the freezer. Walking a little faster Chris notice and caught up with you. Coming to the door you let him open it for you, afraid your hands would freeze right there.

When you got inside you went straight to your room and took your coat, then boots off. Changing your clothes Chris burst in. "Hey could I- woah I'm so sorry" he covered his eyes and turned around.

"It's fine" you said reassuring him with a hug. From he corner of your eye you say that he was blushing hard "well I must get going now" he quickly closed the door and you listened as he walked away. you chuckled a bit at the thought of you two ever doing anything sexual together.

You've been best friends with each other ever since you guys were six. You got dressed and went out to the kitchen to get some hot cocoa. As the rest of your pals were sitting on the couch you simply said "Hi" and went into the kitchen.

You walked in and Chris completely ignored you. Whenever you got closer to him he would just scoot away. "Could you please stop acting like that" you said with sympathy, hoping he would say something but he didn't. "Come on Coachise, I was only mid naked you don't have to be so embarrassed about it" he faced you and looked you in the eyes then said "look, I'm not embarrassed I am just having mixed emotions. I like you but I don't wanna ruin our friendship so I'm not sure"

You let thoughts take over your mind and the one you thought was best was to kiss him. You leaned in and your cold lips pressed against his and he kissed back but with force. It was a slow and passionate kiss. When you pulled apart your breaths were both ragged. "Did you make up your mind?" You say finally calming down

"A little" his cheeks were a painted light pink. You hop on his back and he takes you to your bedroom. He closed your door then sat you down on your bed roughly kissing you as you let moans slip out everytime he bit it. He slowly made his way down to your neck and sucked on while leaving kisses in between.

He pulled away smiling at what he'd done. You slid your shirt off and your leggings, leaving you in your Victoria secret matching lace. He took of his sweater and you got a good look of his six pack but body doesn't matter, you were happy even when he has his shirt on. He left sloppy kisses down your stomach and stopped at the rim of your panties. "Please Chris? " You begged with puppy eyes

He slid down your underwear and flicked his tongue back and forth on your clit. You threw your head back in plasure while moaning silently. He continued doing what he was doing, seeing that you liked it. Then he stuck in two fingers and you flinched at his touch. He hooked his fingers knowing he'd hit your g-spot that way.

You let out another moan but covered your mouth acknowledging that there are other people in the lodge. Right before you reached your climax he pulled his fingers out. You watched as he put his fingers in his mouth to taste you. "Great babe" he said in a raspy voice. You looked down and saw that he has gotten a boner. You sat up and unbuckled his pants "are you sure? " he questioned

You nodded and proceeded and his pants fell down. Then you pulled down his underwear and his hard hit his chest. Your eyes widened as you witnessed he had a long dīck. You layed back down and he got on the bed and you guided his hard member inside of you.

You whimpered when he was fully inside of you. He started off slow and then went faster. Both of your moans and groans filled the room. It wasn't just 'sex'  it was love. He soon went slower and slower and you both came at the same time. He pulled out of you and you smiled. 

Smut Over

"(Y/N)?" He Called "yes Chris?" You replied back to him "will you be my girlfriend? " he asked looking into your eyes as you saw the sparkle in his "yes I will" you both smiled and laid under the cover. "I love you (Y/N) " "I love you too Chris"

Riht before you sleeped you thought the same thing.  'I just made love to my bestfriend and now my significant other'


I'm sorry there might be some spelling errors but I'm working on it and sorry this is shorter than the others but I do try. I love you my cuties and remember "if you're not slaying, then what the fuck are you saying???" Stay Gucci love you😘

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