Oh What A Year-part one

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Beth's POV

It's been a year since me and Hannah have fallen down. I walked to the entrance to where we all usually meet up and saw the bus coming. Maybe one if them was on it.

My twin and I stepped closer. The bus came to the stop in front of us and we waited for someone to come out. It was Sam. Hannah and I hugged her as tight as we could since we kinda broke some bones.

We pulled away and Samantha was shocked to see us. "It's been a year. I'm so sorry I didn't think to look for you everywhere" she told us. "It's fine. Please get us to the lodge. We're freezing" she nods and we go towards the cable car. As it's coming, Chris yells from behind us and scares the crap out of me "C-chris, why the hell w-would you do that?"

He laughs and then realized it's me. "Oh gosh. I haven't seen you two in months!" He exclaims. "Well we're here and cold." The cable car is in front of us, so Sam opens the door and we all get in. It was total silence until we got to the lodge.

Chris opens the door to Josh trying to fix the fireplace. "Um.. Josh?" I question. He turns his head to look at me and immediately engulfs me and Han in a hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" He says starting to cry. "Don't cry Josh. We're here now" I smiled kindly.

"Well we have to take a shower. We love you" me and Han gave Josh a kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom. It was cold but it felt great to be home. Hannah got in the shower across from me and I decided on a bath.

I turned in the hot water, letting it fill up the tub. Once it was done, I took my clothes off and got in. It was truly great to be able to take a bath in my home where I feel safe.

I grabbed my towel with my name on it next to the bathtub and washed up with the soap beside it. I feel like Josh knew somehow in his heart we were gonna come back.

Hannah got out of her shower and grabbed a large towel to wrap around her body. Once I was done, I got out also grabbing a towel to dry off with. We walked to our room and opened the door only to feel a cold breeze. It's exactly how it was when we left.

We opened our drawers to see everything still in tact with our clothes still folded. I grabbed a big red hoodie with some kinda loose jeans and threw them on with a pair of comfortable underwear and a bra.

I laid back as Hannah got dressed then laid beside me. "Han, you should let me brush that hair of yours" I insisted. "Only if I can brush yours after" she winks at me. I grabbed the brush from the night stand as she moved over to sit in front of me so I can brush her hair.

I ran the cold brush through her hair as she hummed gracefully. I felt the vibrations in the brush and continued to run it through her long course hair. After I was done, I sat in front of her to let her brush my hair. I usually never let anyone near my head but I love my sister more then anything.

After that was done, we walked out and into the living room to see Mike next to Jess, Chris next to Ash,Sam next to Josh, and Matt next to Em. I sat beside Ash and Chris as Hannah took a seat next Josh and Sam.

Hannah started teasing Josh about liking Sam as usual. I just let Ash and Chris do what they wish. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a soda then sat back down on tthe couch. I opened my soda and drunk it, looking at sam put her head on josh's shoulder. I smiled in awe and got up then walked to my room, passing Mike and Jess holding hands.

Hannah has always liked Mike but he was always screwing around with girls. I don't know what she sees in him. I go back to my room and laid down on the bed staring up at the ceiling while I thought "this is gonna be a long day"....
Oo yay part one
Specially made for leonardo-dicaprisun

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