Coming Clean

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Just more smut here. Nothing to see... SamxJosh

Josh stalked up the steps, making his way to the top floor of the lodge; trying to gather his thoughts as he did. Maybe this was a bad idea. Spooking Ashley and Chris was supposed to be funny, but he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about it too. He could still call it off, it wasn't too late to play off the thing like it never happened, or just come clean with the two that he had been messing with them.

No, he thought, shaking his head and thumping his fist against the wall. He had a task to complete here and nothing was going to stop him from seeing it through.

"Hey, why is someone stomping around out there?"

Josh paused in his frustrated movements as Sam's voice rang out from the bathroom.

"Sorry Sam," he muttered, leaning his back against the door and crossing his arms. He could hear the water shut off and her light steps as she moved towards the door.

"You okay?" she asked, sounding concerned. From the sound of it she was standing just on the other side of the door. He couldn't help but muse that if it was gone she'd be close enough for him to hold. He shook his head at the thought of her in his arms; he very much doubted she thought of him in that way.

Sam had been his sister's best friend for years and never once had she shown any type of interest in him. Sure they exchanged the occasional flirty banter, but nothing more than that. Not that he hadn't considered the possibility of asking her out; but for some reason Sam had always seemed to be unobtainable, something always beyond his reach.

In a way, she was a bird, high above him with no way to catch her.

"Josh?" her voice was quiet, as if she was worried about distracting him from his thoughts.

"I'm fine, Sam," he replied, somewhat harsher than he intended.

A moment later the door handle turned and he had to quickly straighten up in order to avoid falling back into the bathroom and at her feet. She would have gotten a laugh out of that. Now however she was staring at him, wrapped in nothing but a towel with a slight frown on her face, as if to say 'don't get short with me, I'm here for you.'

His guilt must have shown because her face softened a second later. She reached out and put her hand on his arm, squeezing it lightly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked him.

"Not really," he replied.

"Hey, come on, we could always talk to each other."

True enough, but if he was to be completely honest he now had other things on his mind. For example; this beautiful woman standing in front of him, wearing only a towel as she stared up at him with concern in her eyes. He reached out and touched her face, his fingers brushing against her cheek as he moved forward; close enough now to feel her breath on his face. Goosebumps formed on her flesh and she took a step back, as a light blush dusted her fine features.

"Sam," he said quietly, "Something wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied quickly, but then added, "Everything."

"I don't follow."

"This," she said, gesturing between the two of them, "What is it? Are we just screwing around because we're up here and things are tense? Or is it actually something? Because I'm not interested in being used, and I have no intention in using someone else."

Josh grinned; she was as feisty and as blunt as ever, "Would it help if I told you that one of the reasons I loved hanging around my sisters so much was because I knew that you'd be there? Or how about how I've been trying to get your attention for years? But since you didn't seem interested I backed off and willingly settled into the friend-zone just to be close to you. I figured that if I couldn't be with you, being your friend was the next best thing."

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