Say Yes!

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You guys have made up from all of your arguments, and have decided that you can work through whatever life throws your way. You were getting ready to go out on a date with Dick when you realized that your 2 year anniversary was tomorrow!! You immediately finished your makeup and grabbed your shoes and purse ready to leave with Dick.


Dick had taken you to the beach to watch the sunset and have a nice picnic. You guys laughed and fed each other chocolate covered strawberries while watching it get darker. Dick was watching you and he knew that it was time. He had gotten on one knee and grabbed your hand, making you gasp and put the other one over your mouth.

"Y/N I have loved you since the first time I layed eyes on you, and I know that is cheesy but it describes our love for each other the best. Will you make me the most happiest man in the world and marry me?" Dick Said.

You took awhile to reply because you were so emotional, but once he started to look sad you quickly spoke the word YES!


You were baking a giant cake for Wally since it was your guys 3 year anniversary, and it was easier to do it while he was out with the gang. You finished the icing and waited for Wally to get home. About an hour later he walks in and you go and greet him at the door. You stop once you see roses in his hand and him on his knee.

"What are you doing babe?" You asked.

"Y/N I have waited awhile and I just had to do it today I couldn't wait any longer. Once I saw you and we had a couple hot dogs together I knew you were the one, and I knew that I was never going to love anyone like I love you, so please make me the happiest man and say you'll marry me!" He states with a smile pulling out the ring, and waits for your reply.

"YES OF COURSE, YES!!" You scream in delight and hug him making sure to not damage the flowers. "Let's go and enjoy some cake that I made for you." You say and drag him along.

"You make the happiest man in the whole world!"

Superboy :$

Conner had helped you a lot with Jack and Kayla, and now that Kayla was 3 he had decided to take action. He helped the kids to bed and helped Kayla in her into her pjs.

"Goodnight daddy"

"Goodnight sweetheart" and with that he turned around and shut off the light and cracked the door.

He started to make you some spegettie and garlic bread your favorite. (If it's not then change that :) ) Once that was done he set up the table and got everything perfect for the night.

****5 minutes later****
You walked through the door and smelt your favorite food and immediately went straight to the kitchen and set everything down.

"Did you do all this for me?" You asked not believing your eyes.

"Yes, I want this night to be special since you are to me. " He said

"The kids asleep?"

"Yes I tucked them in, no need to worry just sit down enjoy some food and relax." He smiled at you and guided you to a chair. You talked during dinner and smiled and laughed. Once he had gotten up and walked towords you and kneel down did you know what he was planning that night.

"Y/N I'm not a romantic person and I'm hard at showing my feelings, but you make me feel human and not like I am a copy of someone else. Please let me make you and the kids happy for the rest of our lives and marry me." He said

You sobbed out a yes and he put the ring on your figure and you immediately hugged him.

"Mommy? Daddy? I had a nightmare" Kayla said from the stairway with her blankie and teddy bear.

"Okay sweetie come here." You said and walked up to her carrying her back to bed.

Aqualad :3

Your night was as special as it could get, you guys had spent the day cleaning up the beach and helping beached animals. You lived doing this just as much as Kaldar did. It was dark out and the stars were shinning brightly while you guys were walking home.

"Y/N" Kaldar said from beside you


"How do you feel about marriage? " he asked. You were taken aback a bit and looked at him.

"Marriage? Well I guess I've always dreamed about getting married and I would like for it to happen but I'm willing to wait for it if that has to happen. Why? " You said now in curiosity.

"Well I was wondering if," he kneels down and you gasp "if you would marry me" he said with a smile.

"YES YES YES!" You screamed and he slipped the ring on your fingure. He kissed you and you immediately kissed him back you were so both very happy and nothing could ruin it at that very moment.

Yes so u got it done!! FINALLY!! I'm sorry I'm so bad with updating guys! I've just been out of it lately and with me getting my blood drawn it doesn't help the fact that and I'm also just really lazy lol. Well comment, like, and share!!

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