When you meet: Robin

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You where heading back from Gotham academy, very tiered after you had a test in almost every period. Feeling depressed at the moment that you were going to be getting yeld at from your parents for not passing a single test in math, you were completely oblivious to the people fallowing you.

"Hey! What are you so distracted from sweetheart?" one of the guys yelled making you jump out of your trance like state. You walked faster and faster untill you where so close to ditching them. When you turned a corner, you felt a hand wrap its self around your waist and put a hand to your mouth, making it to where you couldnt scream.

"Hey now sweetheart, is that how you treat me?" You just bit there hand and flung the one holding you over your back and throwing him against the wall. Once that had started to happen, everyone atarted to gang up on you so you didnt get a one on one combat. Ever. A loud thud landed right next to you, and you turned to your left to see what it was. A boy with black hair and a black mask had appeared right next to you.

"I take the two on the left and you take the two on the right?" He had asked looking at you for the briefist moment waiting for you to answer. "Sure thats a plan." And you had started fighting them and not even ten minutes later they were knocked out and tied up. You turned to the boy and learned he was gone. Hmmm...

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