The Baby Is Coming!

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Robin :)

You had woke up to something wet covering you immediately you knew what was going on. You shook Dick awake and he jumped up and took you to the bathroom. He was freaking out and didn't know who to call so you had to do the calling. You called Batman. He got over as fast as he can, of course and by that time you were already in your full on labor.
"Where do you want to give birth Y/N?" Batman asked. You had been thinking of if you wanted to go to Batman's and have the baby or here, but you were already in a tube so you decided her.
Batman just nodded and started to fill the tub with water.
----------------------after birth----------------------

You were out of breath, in pain, and extremely tired. You looked at Dick, and he was smiling with tears streaming down his face. He had been very helpful during the birth and you couldn't be more happy....even if you did yell at him for awhile. He now looked down to your guys son. He couldn't be any happier.

Wally ;)

You were prepared for the labor to be happening, but you didn't actually think that it would happen at 3 IN THE FREAKING MORNING! You shook Wally to wake him up, and the first thing he did when he saw you were in pain, he picked you up and immediately ran to the hospital to have you deliver your guys babies. As the time went on and you were still in pain your friends and family came in to visit the soon-to-be-parents. As the time came for you to have to push out your to baby boys, the doctor kicked everyone but Wally out. You of course started to yell at Wally for doing this to you, but you wouldn't change a thing about that moment in your life. As soon as you had your two baby boys; one with Wally and one with you, did you finally realize you were one big happy family.

Conner :$

Conner was really calm throughout the whole process, and he helped you while you were in pain, of course you wanted Jack and Kayla to be with you, but thought best that they went to one of the team members and Meghan said she would take good care of them. You had your epidural and after a bit didn't really feel as much pain, if any. You and Conner were really excited to be having your baby boy, even if you already had two others to take care of, because you guys would always be a happy family. 

----------------------- After Birth ---------------------------

As you laid holding your new baby boy, Conner went and called Meghan and had her bring Jacob and Kayla so they could meet there new brother. When they got here, Meghan handed Kayla to Conner and went to say hi to you and the baby. Jacob smiled and kissed the newborns head then went to go play with some toys. This is the way you always want your family to be, happy and together.

Kaldar :3

As soon as you had started to get contractions, you called Kaldar and demanded he came home instead of train with the guys. He ran as fast as he could and everyone happened to follow him home. Once he had gotten there, he ran to you while you were in tears fearing that you wouldn't be a good enough mother to your baby girl. You wanted to be able to provide for her and do dress up and do things that a good mother would do, but what would happen when she cries and you cant help her to stop. Even with all of this was all going through your head, Kaldar helped you get them out. He kept assuring you that you would be a wonderful mother and that you could do dress up. Once the big contractions started to come did the Justice League get into action. Flash got warm water and towels, Batman let you hold his hand and Black Canary was the one to help you birth your little girl. Kaldar was holding your head on his knees, giving you positive advice. 

-------------- After Birth -------------- Sweat dripping down your forehead as you smiled down at your baby girl. You looked up at Kaldar and smiled as he leaned down and kissed you and your daughters heads. 

"I love you guys" he whispered  

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