When you meet: Aqualad

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You were swimming in the ocean at night and not caring about anything since you were the only one who nobody cares about. You felt like nobody loved you in the whole. You didnt realize how far out you had gotten and you were getting tired. Slowly making your way to the shore, you noticed that police were looking for you....again. You cheacked for any dogs, but knew that there were none....since you killed the last dog. The only reason why you ran away from home was because you didnt feel loved and your parents beat you infront of everyone, and nobody cared to help you out.

"Y/N!" you kept hearing the police and anyone else searching for you.

"Im not coming, the only people who could help right now would be a superhero, but they arnt real are they?" you had said that to yourself almost every day because they seemed to help everyone but you and that mad you mad! After awhile they stopped searching for you and gave up. You came out of the hiding place you had and walked along the oceans shore when a voice came out of nowhere.

"I finally found you!" somebody yelled and made you turn around fast. Standing not even 10 feet away was a blonde haires boy that had some type of black tattoos on his arm. He had grey eyes and muscles. He looked familiar but you couldnt place it.

"What do you want?" You asked

"Im trying to help you out, but I can just let you be if you want?" He said politely but with a hint of not wanting to leave you as well.

"That would be helpful since I dont want to be anywhere except here." Alittle sadness in your voice. Slowly as if you would change your mind he left. You had no idea who he was but as soon as he was out of sight you remember.....AQUALAD!

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