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Footsteps echoed into the room, getting closer and closer to him.  He began to struggle in his restraints once more, and he heard the stranger tsk.

"Oh, this just won't do," the stranger said.  "I need for you to be still during this operation, but if you can't be still..."

A sudden pain erupted at the back of his neck, making him cry out in surprise.  He suddenly couldn't move; the bastard had paralyzed him.

"Now, this next part won't," the stranger said, cackling lowly.

He felt an immense pain shoot throughout him, and he opened his mouth to scream–

Castiel's eyes shot open as he gasped and sat up in his bed. He panted heavily and slouched over, running his fingers through his slightly sweaty hair as he remembered his nightmare. No...his memory.

He remembered the helplessness that he felt, the sharp pain throughout his body, the sickening crack and gush of his–

"Hey, Castiel? You all right in there?" a voice asked as knocks sounded from his door before someone peeked inside.

Castiel swallowed and nodded, letting his electric blue eyes travel up to see his visitor. He was greeted with concerned brown eyes staring back at him, and the man's black hair was lazily brushed out of the way while a little bit of his bangs fell between his eyes to the right side of his nose.  His visitor wore a red and black hoodie with a black t-shirt underneath, and some blue jeans with black lace-up boots.

Castiel sighed and ran his fingers through his hair again as he replied, "Yes, Siel.  I'm all right."

Siel stepped into the room and crossed his arms.  "Really?" he inquired.  "Because it sure didn't sound like it."  The room was silent for a moment before Siel sighed and took a guess, "It was your past coming out to get ya, wasn't it?"

Castiel nodded slowly, his blue eyes lowering.  "I'm sorry for not telling you right away.  I just don't like to talk ab–"

"No need to apologize," Siel interrupted.  He put on a smile and nodded towards the door, "C'mon.  Nala's prepared us a nice breakfast this morning."  With that said, he walked out, leaving Castiel to change in private.

Castiel threw the covers off of him and stood, shuffling his way to his closet.  He pulled out his dark gray and white hoodie, along with a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black lace-up boots.  After changing quickly, Castiel put his pajamas away and made his bed.  He glanced at the extra bed next to his before turning around.

Walking out of his room, he shut the door and started to make his way down the hallway.  He heard loud commotion coming from the room in front of him, and he found himself in the kitchen, which was a mess.  His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he saw a young man shorter than him running away from a woman, both wearing the same uniform as himself.

"I'm going to kill you!" the woman growled, her red hair flowing behind her as her blue eyes glowed with anger.

The young man just laughed and brushed a lock of brown hair from his hazel eyes as he called back, "You have to catch me first!"

Castiel jumped out of the way as the two people sped past him.  He was about to yell out in protest when someone spoke up first, "Nala!  Taeo!  Stop messing around this instant!"  Castiel looked across the room and saw Siel sitting at the table with a newspaper in his hands.

The woman, Nala, stopped in her tracks and turned to Siel with a bowed head.  "Sorry, Siel.  Taeo has been giving me trouble recently."

"Hey!  It's not my fault that you're not fun!" Taeo argued as he crossed his arms.  Nala scowled at him as she let out a growl but didn't say anything.

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