Chapter 1: All In a Day's Work

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It was almost too dark to see, but thanks to the full moon, the group was able to work without flashlights. They were quickly rechecking their equipment as Siel ordered, "Remember, only use your gun if necessary. If you shoot, we have about a minute to evacuate the premises."

Everyone nodded.

Siel was making last minute adjustments to his crossbow. Asuka was passively sharpening his axe. Nala unsheathed her twin blades and twirled them in her hands quietly as she waited for the next orders. Taeo tossed his machete back and forth from hand to hand, seemingly bored and ready for action.

Staring at the large building that appeared to be abandoned before him, Castiel's hand clenched his angel blade-though the others thought that it was just a normal blade. He twirled it in his hand once before turning back to Siel, waiting for commands.

Siel finally glanced up from his task as he said, "All right. Now if we do this correctly, we should each be able to take on one man. However, I know that if luck is not on our side-and should one of you have to take on multiple men-I have faith that you will succeed." He gave his crew an encouraging smile before his expression hardened and he ordered, "Put your hoods up, don't get caught, and don't let your guard down."

Everyone did as they were told. Siel put his hood up as well before motioning towards the building and whispering loudly, "Let's move!"

The team rushed in on silent feet, running inside the building before splitting up.

Castiel's eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he held his angel blade tighter, ready for anything that was thrown at him. Spotting some stairs leading to the second floor, Castiel tiptoed up the steps, hesitating every few steps when the boards creaked under his weight.

He finally made it to the second floor, and he mentally sighed in relief. Looking around for a moment, he saw a hallway in front of him with a window at the end. Moonlight poured through the glass, illuminating the hallway so that he could see multiple doors on either side. He hunched over slightly as he shuffled forward, peeking into each room as he continued forward.

Suddenly, he heard muffled struggles, and he immediately perked up. He listened to the sound carefully before deciding which room it was coming from. Turning to his left, he stared at the last door at the end of the hallway. Gripping his blade to prepare himself for whatever was on the other side of the door, he reached forward with his left hand and slowly opened the door. Peeking his head inside, he saw what he was looking for.

Inside the room were at least seven girls. Their hands were bound behind their backs with rope and they were gagged with pieces of cloth. Their struggling and mumbles became slightly louder when they noticed Castiel.

He opened the door fully and motioned for them to stay quiet, and they complied. He had taken a few steps into the room when the girls began to mumble loudly again, making noises of warning in the back of their throats.

Castiel quickly whirled around and brought his angel blade up to his face, effectively blocking the knife of his target.

"Who the hell are you?!" the man growled as he bent over Castiel slightly, trying to make himself intimidating.

Castiel said nothing as he quickly drew back his blade-causing the man to let his guard down for a split second-and landed a good punch to the man's left cheek, managing to scratch him slightly in the process.

The man grunted from the impact as he stumbled backwards. Growling, the man charged forward, his knife raised. Castiel easily sidestepped him and struck him in the back, causing the man to fall to the floor.

The man shifted so that his back was to the ground as he glared at Castiel. His mouth opened to spit an insult at the hooded figure before him, but before he could utter a word, a blade went through his chest. He coughed and sputtered for a moment before he let out his last breath.

Castiel stayed quiet as he yanked the blade from the evildoer's chest. Now walking over to the terrified group of girls, he cut their bonds away and assisted them in untying their gags.

"T-thanks," one girl spoke up softly.

Castiel only nodded before turning around and disappearing down the hallway. After quietly hopping down the stairs, he quickly walked his way outside of the house as he set his destination for the van that the group of assassins had arrived in.

When he arrived, he saw Nala, Asuka, and Siel standing beside the van. There was a little bit of blood on them, though he could tell that it wasn't their own.

"Ah, Castiel," Nala said, noticing his presence first. "We heard the commotion upstairs earlier. Did you take care of him?"

Nodding, Castiel replied, "Yes. The girls were up there as well, so I freed them of their bonds."

"Good work," Siel said with a nod of approval.

It was then that Taeo exited the house, his machete in its sheath at his side. "I don't know 'bout you guys," he began tiredly, "but I'm ready to go back home and crash."

"Yes. I think we all deserve a good night's rest," Asuka spoke up.

Castiel and Nala made sounds of approval as they agreed to the idea wholeheartedly. Siel smiled and said, "We did well tonight. I'm very proud of you four."

Everyone grinned and told their appreciation of his compliment before they began to quickly load up the van. They all put their weapons in the back of the van, and they slammed the doors shut when they were finished.

Siel climbed into the driver's seat as Asuka climbed into the passenger. Nala sat behind the driver's seat, Castiel sat behind the passenger seat, and Taeo sat in between. Siel started the van up, threw her into gear, and drove off.

What the group of well trained assassins didn't know, however, was the pair of green eyes that watched them silently. The owner stared at them until he could no longer see them, and then he vanished with the sound of wind and rustling feathers.

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