Chapter 6: The Man Who Started It All

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Castiel groaned as his eyes slowly opened. He hesitantly sat up from the cold stone floor that he was on, and he looked around blearily.

He was in a cell.

His brows furrowed in confusion as he wondered how he came to be there. He was quiet for a moment as he finally remembered.


Castiel pulled up into the parking lot of a convenience store. He shut the car's engine off and stepped out. Slamming the door behind him, he walked into the store as the automatic doors opened for him.

He grabbed a handheld basket and began to absentmindedly look around. He tossed some apples, bananas, and a jar of peanut butter into the basket before getting a bottle of water as well.

He turned around and was about to make his way to the cashier when he spotted some pies. He vaguely remembered Dean telling him that he loved pies. He walked up to them and looked through their flavors, and he finally settled on buying the pecan pie.

He shuffled up to the cashier and quickly paid for his food items before walking out of the store, plastic bags in hand.

He was putting the stuff away in his car when suddenly a piece of cloth was covered over his mouth and nose. He struggled against the grip, but he slowly became dizzy from the substance that was in the cloth.

"Sleep..." a voice chuckled before he passed out.

~End Flashback~

Castiel shook his head and rubbed his temples. He was kidnapped? By who? Why would they want him? Castiel groaned in pain and frustration.

"Hey," a soft voice broke his train of thought. "Hey, you okay?"

Castiel blinked and turned his gaze to the cell beside his. At first he couldn't make anything out-and he almost believed that he had been hallucinating-but then he finally saw a figure in the corner of the cell. The corner was dark, and he guessed that the figure was using that to his advantage.

Castiel slowly nodded. "Besides being drugged and thrown into a cell, yes, I am quite all right."

The figure gave a small laugh, "Yeah, I would've believed you were dead if it weren't for your groans in your sleep. I thought maybe you were hurt, so I just had to be sure..."

Castiel smiled a little and shifted over to where the two cells met. He held out a hand as he greeted, "My name is Castiel, but some people call me Cas."

Well, so far only Dean does, Castiel thought.

The figured slowly came out of the dark corner of his cell. Castiel took note that the figure was younger than him, maybe by two or three years. He had brown hair that came down to almost his shoulders and hazel eyes that shone in what little light there was. The figure gripped Castiel's hand and shook it with a small smile as he said, "I'm Sam."

Castiel smiled at first and nodded, but then his brows slowly furrowed. "Wait, you wouldn't happen to be...Sam Winchester by any chance, would you?"

Sam's eyes widened as he slowly released Castiel's hand. He inquired, "H-how did you know...?"

Castiel sent him a small, comforting smile as he replied, "I know your brother, Dean Winchester. He's been looking for you for quite a while."

Sam's eyes brightened slightly, hope showing in them. "He's still looking for me? After all this time?"

Castiel nodded. "Yes. My friends and I are helping him in his search." He couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him as he added, "Well, looks like I found you. It's not exactly under the circumstances I wanted it to be, but I found you nonetheless."

Sam chuckled as well as he sat against the wall next to where their cells met. "Well, it's good to know that he hasn't lost hope yet. After all this time, too. I'm surprised."

One side of Castiel's mouth quirked up in a small smile as he retorted gently, "You shouldn't be surprised. He loves you very much. He was devastated when he couldn't find you. He thought you were dead."

Sam let out a soft snort, "I might as well be by the way I'm treated in here. Whipped, cut, and beaten everyday by the same douchebag. He barely feeds me or gives me water, and he has never offered me a shower. Don't even get me started on the bathroom arrangements."

Castiel finally took in the younger Winchester's condition. He was indeed very skinny-practically skin and bones. His clothes were dirty and so was his skin, hair, and face, and he noticed the lack of shoes and socks on his feet. Cuts, scars, and bruises littered Sam's body, and Castiel winced in sympathy. The floor of Sam's cell was covered in blood and even what he believed were slices of his own skin. Castiel's eyebrows furrowed in anger as he thought of the man that was responsible. He also noticed that Sam shivering.

Castiel shrugged his jacket off and held it out between the cell bars. "Here," he said softly. "You look kinda cold."

Sam gratefully took the jacket from Castiel. He draped it over his shoulders and wrapped it around himself tightly. He pulled his legs as close as he could to his chest. He sighed and set his head on his knees. "I just wanna go home. This place sucks."

"Oh, well I'm offended that you would say such a thing, Sammy!"

Sam jumped and started to shiver even more. Castiel turned to the source of the voice and gave the man before him a death glare. He growled in anger, and suddenly he wished he was still an angel so that he could smite the demon-like man. This man had caused him and the Winchesters so much pain and suffering in their lives-Sam probably the most.

"Metatron," they both said, though one was with fear and the other was with pure hatred.

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