....love that name-edited

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London POV

I wake up this morning and smile realizing what day it is. I’m really nervous but, excited to see what I can do. I turn on Cinderella Man and get ready. I put my contacts in, black skinnies on, black tank top, my high top chuck's, and curl my hair. I throw on my shady records hoodie, my matching hat and walk to my car. I turn my Eminem playlist on again and rap all the way to auditions. And hopefully all the way to a record deal.

Marshall’s POV

Damn it! I don't want to get up, maybe I won’t ill just sleep a little longer, yeah, that sounds good. 

“DADDY GET UP ITS AUDITION DAY!” Hailie is jumping up and down on my bed with every word. She's really excited because I told her she could come with me. I try and keep her out of my word, because I don’t want the fans or paparazzi knowing too much about my kids.

“Okay baby, just let me go get ready and we’ll go.”

 I smile at her, I'm so proud of the lady she's become. I suppose my babies are all growing up. Laney’s off at college, Whitney is almost in middle school. Damn I'm getting old. I laugh at my inside joke quietly.

I spray my cologne on quickly and walk out of my room. Hailie has her headphones in waiting by the door; I swear those things are surgically attached. I smile and walk outside. Dre is in the car waiting for us along with Skylar. We’re all looking for a new artist to sign; I for Shady Records, and Dre to Aftermath, Skylar just came along because she does well with people.

Driving there I just kinda stare out the window. I love Detroit so much. When we get to the auditions we all pull our hoods up so no one can know who we are and we walk inside.

Throughout the auditions there are good ones and there are bad ones but none that catch mine or my crew’s eye. I'm leaning over talking to Hailie about this new books she’s been reading when I hear someone start P!nk’s Sober. Hailie’s eyes widen and we jerk our heads to the stage to see a girl. She can't be over 18 but she gives off that air of authority. She's in all black and a red snapback on her head backwards. She is amazing, her voice is gravelly but smooth; when I look to the crew they all agree with me. We gotta have her.

London pov

I finish the song and go and wait for someone anyone to show an interest in me. I hope I did well...I'm drumming my fingers on my thighs when a gorgeous blonde walks up and tells me she loved my performance. After my stunned silence I choke out, “Oh my God...your Hailie jade!”

I told you it would be soon. didn't believe me did you? haha thanks for reading I love all eight of you! please comment and tell me what you think! thanks again 

you can follow me on instagram and twitter "@vleggett98"  



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