v. Theory of Evolution

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Chapter FiveTheory of Evolution

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Chapter Five
Theory of Evolution

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       Zatanna walked over to the fridge and took out a Blue Moon beer bottle. Night had fallen over the small farm and she still felt the weight of the world across her shoulders as she tried to think of a solution for her team's dilemma. She popped the cap off using a nonverbal spell and took a long drink in an attempt to ease her mind. She walked over to where Natasha sat at the dinning table and sat across from her.

      "Hey, Nat. How ya handling?" The ginger looked and met her gaze. She sighed and told her what had happened between her and Bruce earlier. Zatanna sat there and listened of their encounter, before scoffing as Natasha finished, "And I just don't know if it's going to work out."

      Zatanna glanced at her friend, "You really like him don't you?"

      Natasha thought about it before answering, "I haven't ever felt like this before."

      "Nat, if you really like him, don't let him leave. Ever since I met you, there has never been someone like him come into your life. Don't just let him walk out of it," Zatanna said to her. Natasha took note of her wise words and smirked as she said, "You know it's funny that you know so much about this stuff, yet still won't settle down yourself."

      Zatanna rolled her eyes but didn't answer. It was only several minutes later that she decided to break the silence. "Can I be honest?"

      Natasha nodded for her to continue. Zatanna glanced at her hands and said, "I actually always thought that you and Clint would somehow end up together."

      The assassin's eyes widened, before she laughed, "Me and Clint?"

      Zatanna nodded her head. "It was just a thought, but then Clint found Laura and everything happened so fast. And he actually did it. He got a family. The one thing all of us have wanted for so long, and he managed to accomplish it. And even if you can't carry a child yourself, you can have a family too."

Natasha genuinely smiled at her, before the sound of loud footsteps caught their attention. They turned their heads to see Bruce, Tony, Steve and then a man in a black coat with an eyepatch covering his left eye enter the household. Zatanna quickly stood and ran to greet him. The man was startled by the embrace he was pulled into, but returned it once he saw the familiar dark hair.

"I missed you too, Zatara," Nick Fury said to the girl he had practically raised. Zatanna let out a happy laugh before letting him go. He nodded at Natasha and said, "Romanoff. Now, should we get to business?"

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