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*Monday morning*

I woke up really early today to get ready. Today was the day that I would reveal a totally different side of my self at school, a side I thought I'd ever see.

I left my hair naturally curly, because it seemed more rebellious that way, you know?

I decided to wear a red flannel, and a thin white tee shirt for the top part. Then I paired it with super skinny black jeans, so maybe people will notice some of the muscle I've gained since I've been going to the gym. To finish it off, I wore dark brown shoes with a black cap facing backwards.

Hopefully it was alright, I didn't want to look stupid.

I grabbed mt phone then walked downstairs to get some breakfast, and show Mum and Gemma my new look.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of Poptarts and ate it with some milk.

I paced around the kitchen as I ate my breakfast.

Minutes later Mum and Gemma walked into the kitchen.

"Good mor- oh my gosh you look amazing! So different, but I love it!" Gemma said.

Mum nodded.

"I really like it."

I smiled.

"Thanks guys."

"You're welcome!" they said.

I finished up my food, then headed out the door.

"See you later Gem and Mum. Love you." I told them.

"Llove you too." they said back.

I grabbed my backpack and left.

I got into my car and began driving to school.

Once I arrived, I didn't get out of my car.

What if people still don't take me seriously? What if they think that this is just a huge joke?

I grabbed the new sunglasses I got from my backpack, and put them on. I wasn't sure what I'm going to do, but I'll figure it out as the day goes by. But there was one thing that I had to do, and that was to keep up a bad boy persona.

Everyone stopped and stared as I walked past them. Girls whispered to eachother as they looked me up and down. They obviously thought I looked attractive.

I walked straight to my locker, to avoid anyone to see me. Basically Zayn, Liam and Niall. Thankfully nobody noticed anything, so I walked straight to my first class, Biology.

I held my binder and books in one arm as I pushed the door open with the other. My teacher, Mr. Hawke looked at me.

He obviously didn't recognize me, so I quickly took off my sunglasses to him.

"Ah, Marcel! Massive style change, I see?"

I laughed.


"Very nice. Just leave the sunglasses off, don't want to break the dress code." he said.

Gosh dangit! I totally forgot about the dress code!

"Yes sir." I said, putting the sunglasses on my shirt.

"And Marcel?"

"Yes sir?"

"Why were you gone on Friday?"

"Oh, I wasn't feeling.. my best."

"Ah, yes. Allergies starting to come up, yeh?"


"Very well. Welcome back."

"Thank you sir."

I sat at my seat, and looked down to avoid eye contact with anyone.

I know I can't just avoid everyone, because someone's going to notice.


Thankfully nobody questioned who I was through out the class.

But my next class, I dreaded. Choir, with Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

Just be strong. I tried to keep my plan on play so I don't fall for anything Zayn does to me.

I walked to the music room, being welcomed by Ms. Stell.

"Hello.. Marcel? You look so different!" she said.

"Yeah, just trying it out."

"Very nice. Change is good."

I nodded, then sat on a chair.

I know I can't avoid anyone in this class. Once Zayn sees me, everyone will notice.

"Hey Marcel!"

Oh no. Zayn.

He walked up to me as Niall and Liam followed.

ZAYN'S POV (oh shocker! haha)

Dang. Marcel looked hotter than when I last saw him on Saturday.

"Can we sit with you?" I asked Marcel.

"Uh, yeah. Go ahead." he said.

I sat to his left as Liam sat to his right, Niall sitting next to Liam.

I saw my girlfriend, Perrie, walk in. She smiled and sat next to me.

"Hi babe."

I gave her a kiss.


I interlocked my fingers into hers as we sat.

I felt awkward. I reallly loved Perrie, but there's something anout Marcel that makes me, well, I don't know. I can't explain it.

As more students began to walk in, a few would recognize Marcel, and tell him they liked his new look. He thanked them, then they sat down.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, until class started.

"Okay class, as you all know, we've been practicing writing our own songs. What we're going to do this week, we are going to write songs in partners. I'll give you all a few minutes right now to pick a partner." Ms. Stell said.

Yes! I can pick Marcel as my partner!

Everyone began talking to one another, picking their partners.

Some students approached Marcel.

"Hey, Marcel! Let's be partners!"

"Marcel, we can be partners, how about it?"

"Marcel, can we be partners?"

Marcel sat there, confused.

I put my arm around Marcel.

"Sorry everyone. I'm his partner." I said.

They groaned and searched for a different person. Except Cher.

She's a dates a different guy like every week.

"Hey Marce, want to be partners?" she asked, trying go persuade him.

Marcel was becoming uncomfortable.

"Uh, I'm partnering with Zayn." he said.

I smiled and nodded.


She sat back down.

"Zayn!" Perrie said.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought we were going to be partners?" she asked.

Marcel interuptted.

"That's okay, Perrie. I'll partner with Niall or Liam." he said.

"Perrie, partner up with one of your friends, like Leigh Anne or Jade." I said.

She pouted.

"Fine. But I'm partnering with you next time." Perrie said.

I laughed.

"I promise."

"Hey Zayn, can I partner with Marcel?" Niall asked.

"No! I am!" I said.

"Okay, okay."

Everyone settled down and Ms. Stell grabbed our attention again.

"Okay. With your partner, you two will be writing a song to eachother. It can be about your friendship with the person, or if you want a stronger friendship, anything about the other person."

Everyone nodded.

I raised my hand.

"Ms. Stell?"

"Yes Zayn?"

"Are we performing these songs?"

"Ah yes, thank you Zayn for metioning that. Yes you are. You can perform the song to the other person solo, or you can have another student sing with you."

I nodded.

"Any more questions?"

No one raised their hands.

"Alright then. Your homework is to begin writing your song. Get the feel of the songwriting process. The rest of class is free time!" she said.


So I'm Zayn's partner, I guess.

But I felt kind of strange, he chose me over Perrie, his girlfriend. Why would he do that?

The four of us sat in silence as everyone else started talking.

After a few minutes, Cher walked up to me again.

I can't believe Cher, Cher Lloyd would talk to me. She's the most popular girl in the 11th grade.

She smiled and held my hand. The boys stared at her as she talked to me.

"Hey, Marcel. Want to hang out during lunch?"

I could feel the tension between Zayn and Cher.

I remember back in 9th grade when Zayn dated Cher. I heard it was a bad breakup.

Maybe hanging out with Cher will get me more popular, and more people will like me.

I could feel that Zayn wanted me to say no.

"Sure." I said.

"Great. I'll see you then, babe."

"What the heck Marcel?!" Zayn said.


"Why'd you say yes? She's going to use you."

"I don't care! I want to! You don't need to control what I do!" I said a bit too loud.

A few people looked at me and I blushed.

I looked back at Zayn.

"Point is, I don't need you telling me what to do. Got it?"

He nodded.


We sat in silence again.

I guess I'm going to need this type of attitude to become likable.

I stood up from my seat, and sat with Cher. Making Zayn mad'll be good.

"Where you going?" he asked.

"Sitting with Cher." I said.

I walked over to Cher and her friends and sat next to her.

"Hi." I said with a smile.


I put my arm on her shoulder and she smiled.

Her friends looked at me, surprised.

"Marcel! You look amazing! You and Cher HAVE to date." one of the girls, Charlotte said.

I laughed.

"We'll see."

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