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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned at the sound of my phone.

School. Sucks.

I managed to leave my bed and get myself ready for prison. I was about to leave my house until I remembered; Marcel.

Marcel and I were like, a thing now. What were we gonna do? Make it official? Hide it? I put my face in my hands and thought.

Well of course, I should call him, or text.

To: Marcel ♡

Hey, I need to talk to you

Almost instantly, I get his reply.

From: Marcel ♡


To: Marcel ♡

I'll just call you.

I did what I texted him, and rang him up.


"Hi Marcel, 'S Zayn."

"Oh hey. What did you wanna talk about?"

"Yeah. I just wanna know, are we gonna tell anybody about.. us?"

I actually felt nervous for his reply. I know it's probably best to keep it to ourselves for now, but I didn't wanna hide it.

"Wow, I did not think about that." he said.

The line went quiet for a few seconds.

"Still there?" I questioned.

"Yeah yeah. Okay. I think that if we're ready, we can tell people. It really depends if you're ready," he replied.


"It really depends if you're ready," I told Zayn.

But the truth is, I don't anyone to know, at all. I was still seen as a cool kid, and I didn't want to give that up.

"Well I-I think I'm ready." Zayn said, the words I wish I didn't just hear.

"Oh, okay." I said, a bit hesitant.

"Oh no, you aren't ready yet, are you?" Zayn asked with worry.

Well I won't ever be ready.

"Ah, yeah. I think we should give it a few days." I suggested.

"Oh." Zayn simply said, obviously disappointed. "Okay."

"It'll be soon, don't worry babe." I tried lift his spirits, even if I had to lie.

"Okay." he sighed. "See you at school?"

"I'll pick you up," I offered.

"Okay, bye."

"I love you."

He hang up before he could return the phrase.


I walked into the school after quite the weekend.

"So what happened between you and Zayn?" I asked Perrie in the hall.

"I dumped that sorry prick." she simply said.

I laughed.

"What did he do?"

"He never hung ou with me or paid attention to me, he was distracted with Marcel I guess." Perrie shrugged.

"Wait, Marcel?" I asked quickly.



"Yeah. So I'll see you later Cher." Perrie said before entering her classroom.

"Bye Pez."

I turned around to go to my own class, to find Zayn glaring at me.

"We need to talk." he said.


"We need to talk." I told Cher.

She smirked.

"'Kay then."

She followed me to an empty classroom, and crossed her legs on the nearest desk.

"I know what you did to Marcel." I said, straight to the point.

"I know, who else would he have gone to to talk about his stupid problems?" Cher shrugged.

"Cher, don't go around ruining innocent boys like Marcel for your amusement. It's horrible, disgusting really." I spat at her.

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? You're not my mum," Cher replied. "Why are you so obsessed with him anyway?"

"It doesn't matter; you wouldn't care if I told you or not." I tried to distract her.

Cher lit up in seconds.

"That's it! That's exactly it, Zayn! You love Marcel! You are gay, for Marcel." she said with a smile, as if she just won a prize.

I said nothing as Cher laughed at me.

"Just wait till the entire school hears this. Marcel will be out of your life faster than he came in, once everyone finds out." she smirked.

"You are not telling anyone anything." I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah? Just you wait." Cher smirked once again. "I could let the whole school know in seconds if I wanted to."

"Then I'll just tell everyone about your family, your past, Calum, do I need to say more?" I said, a smile growing on my face.

"How do you know about Calum?" she gasped.

It was my turn to smirk.

"I know a guy."

"Well you don't even know crap about my family or my past. Only I know the truth."

"Trust me, I know it all." I said.

"You know what? Fine, go ahead. I couldn't care less. Let the whole school know about my messed up past, and everyone will know about your messed up relationship with a gay nerd."

I glared at her before I could say something.

"Looks like I am done here." Cher said. "Bye bye Zaynie."

"I freaking hate you."

"I know." Cher chirped before heading to class.

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