Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As soon as I stepped out of the car I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me at the same time.

"ALEXANDRIA!" I heard from far away. As I grabbed my bag from the back seat, I saw Veronica making her way over to me.

When she finally made her way over to me she had the biggest smile on her face, half shirt Veronica was the queen of all sluts. She had on a tight white half top, that not only showed her stomach but her black lacy bra, she also wore a pair of black cut-offs. She is actually really pretty. Veronica has long blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes that anyone would be jealous of.

From all the years she spent cheerleading, Veronica had a flat stomach, big boobs and a big ass. That's probably why guys like her so much, and because she's easy.

"Hey Veronica what's up?"
"Oh my god, I can't believe that we are going to be going to the same school together. Now we will see each other like, all the time. Won't that be great?" she said with so much enthusiasm.

"The greatest." I said my voice thick with sarcasm.
"Come on let me introduce you to all of my friends" Veronica said pulling me toward the crowd I saw earlier.
"No no no that's ok, I have to go to the office, get my books, my schedule, maybe later?" I said quickly. There was no way I was to be associated with that gang of sluts she hangs out with.
"Nope you can do that later, we have like half an hour left until class starts anyway. That is more than enough time. You can meet my friends now." She said pulling me along anyway
When we finally got over there, every person in that crowd was staring at me and Veronica.

"Everyone, this is my cousin Alexandria. She is new here, and it would be really awesome if all of you could make her feel welcome."

"Or you could just leave me alone. I don't need your friends." I whispered to her.

"Alex, its fine I want you to have fun and actually be popular this year." She smiled

"Shut up! I'd rather be the unpopular new girl then to be a popular bitch that sleeps with anything with a dick." I snapped walking away

I saw many more pairs of eyes on me now than before. What was I supposed to do, let that slut insult me? Yeah no, never going to happen. I don't care who you are if I don't like your tone I will tell you about it. I kept walking to the main entrance with my head high. I went to the front desk in the office and spoke to the nice old woman.
"Hi dear what can I do for ya?"

She seemed nice enough, I see no reason to be rude.

"Hi my name is Alexandria Parker I need my schedule and locker number." I said with a smile.

"Ok Hun" she said while rummaging in a file cabinet. "here we are. He is your schedule, if you look here, this is your locker combo, and in the back is a map of the school. do you need anything else? she asked looking up at me through her glasses.
" No I think I'm ok, thank you."
Just as I turned around to walk out of the door, I walked right into someone. Dropping my bag and everything I was holding in my hand in the process I bent down to pick up my fallen stuff. I heard a loud sigh as the person I bumped into dropped to their knees to help me. As I saw two strong very very tan looking hands start to pick up my stuff I looked up. I forgot everything.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi guys sorry for the wait. I know I said I was going to update like a week ago. Just never got around to it. Hope this chapter was long enough. Hope this will hold you until next time. Who knows when that will be. Until then.

Adios loves,
******************** Okay this is Malia, maya's best friend because Maya is very stupid and illiterate and since I didn't really add or proofread before she published this... it sucks cause its too short and nothing really happens so i'm onto writing chapter 3. so don't give up it will get better this was a shit chapter!!!.. No offence maya. <3 ;p

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