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"Skylar, You have to come to Canada with me. We need to get to Kami; someone like us." He stated. "There is that word again, US! Someone like us? I don't even know you and you want me to go all the way to Canada to find some girl named Kami, who I don't even know."

He looked at me impatiently and huffed,"We have to go; we don't have that much time!"  He grabbed my arm and without giving me a choice, he dragged me to a sleek black Porsche with tinted windows and demanded that I got into the car.

We had drove from New York all the way to Quebec, Canada without any stops, except to get gas and junk food. Finally we arrived at a grand hotel. Chance opened my car door and walked me into the elegant building. I scanned the entrance of the hotel, but everything was written in a foreign language. Chance walked up to the receptionist and said something in French. The lady blushed and smiled and responded . He nodded and we walked to the elevator and went to the highest level of the building, and it wasn't the luxury suites.

As we went up to the roof, I heard very loud arguing . Chance obviously heard the noise and ran directly towards it.

"Kami!", he roared. Then all of a sudden I heard another noise, like a high pitched frequency , my ears couldn't take it and I dropped to my ears a screamed.

"Kami, stop you are hurting her, she's here to help us!" But the sound kept getting louder and louder, higher and higher until I could not take it. Black dots started to cloud my vision. Out of the corner of eye I saw a girl who looked like a carbon copy of myself, but older standing next to my father. Then I blacked out .

                    **24 hours later**

I quickly jerked up from my sleep and gasped. I glance over to the other side of the room where I saw the girl named Kami, who was crying on my fathers shoulder. My dad caressing her head whispering incoherent things in her ear. She was facing towards me who looked at me and stared.  Then I noticed something, that a glass was separating us. I quickly jumped up from the bed I was laying on and walked up to the glass.

"Dad!" I yelled at him and started banging on the glass he didn't answer.

"Dad!" I yelled again, he was still comforting that girl, Kami, he couldn't hear me. I stared at her harder, looking at every single detail of her face she looked exactly like me but just a little older. But suddenly I just couldn't handle the feeling that I wasn't the only one, I wasn't the only child anymore, so I closed my eyes and screamed. I screamed to hard I heard the glass shatter beneath my feet.

I quickly opened my eyes and looked at the glass on the ground, shocked. My father and Kami looking at me wide-eyed .

"Sweetheart, you're awake" he said slowly.

"Who is this girl and why does she look exactly like me?"

Silently, he walked over to me, sighed and said, " I've been dreading this conversation for years. But the time has come, but before you were born your mother and I had a child; Kami. Kami was a special little girl and everyone wanted her for special reasons. But once you were born you would always cry when you were around her. You'd cry until there would be no tears left . The reason for this was because of the Sound Waves that radiated off you girls. Once you were together the frequencies were unbearable for either one of you. So we had to separate you from each other permanently."

He took a deep breath and continued," Once Kami was eighteen we made a secret agency called ' Sound Waves ' for people like us, people who can do things with their minds and others who may be in search for other assistance. See I told you , that you'd never be alone."

I sat in a chair a quietly listened to my father. Letting this new piece of information sink in. All sorts of things were going through my head. Then I heard him say, "Wait until she hears that Chance is her brother." But when he said that , his lips weren't moving . Nothing came out of his mouth, did I just read his mind?

I knew it couldn't have been possible.


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