Fixing Things

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"Namjoon~~" Hoseok sang with an annoyed tone as he walked by you. You let out a sigh while rolling your eyes.
"Aish... Hoseok what did he do now?" He spun to look at you upon hearing your question. Blinking you waited for his answer as he stared at you with a blank face.
"Where did you get those head phones?" He suddenly spoke agitated. Looking quizzically at the object in question, you pulled them out of your ears.
"They were sitting on the desk in Namjoon's room. I thought they were his. Are they your's?" You stated innocently. Sighing deeply, Hoseok looked you in the eyes and nodded. Pulling them out of your phone you handed them over and giggled.
"You don't have to look so aggravated. I'll talk to him, don't worry." You patted his shoulder. He gave you a small smile and walked off to who knows where. Standing from the couch with a stretch, you start for the kitchen, scrolling through tumblr as you walk. Hearing the pounding of footsteps coming your way you look up to see Jungkook running at you. You move just enough for him to only clip your shoulder instead of slamming into you.
"SORRY ___!" He yells over his shoulder. Sighing once again that day, you shake your head and start back toward the kitchen. Sadly you didn't get far before Taehyung slammed into you successfully knocking you over.
"Damn it! I just want some tea, come on!" You cry out. Tae stares at you with a shocked and apologetic face.
"Are you okay, ___? I really didn't mean to knock you over. I didn't even see you coming." The words fall out of his mouth quickly as he helps you up.
"I'm alright Tae. Really. Thank you." You grin. You look behind you, then back to Tae, and back down the hall.
"What the hell did the maknae do?" You sighed, ONCE AGAIN. 'I'm gonna really have to start counting how many times I sigh in a day.' You thought bitterly. Tae then sighed himself and laughed.
"We're both actually running from..." He started but was quickly cut off.
"JEON JUNGKOOK! KIM TAEHYUNG!" The thick voice cut through the air with a chilling aura.
"Oh hell..." Tae sputtered before taking off yelling a 'I'll tell you later if I live' over his shoulder. Looking in the direction the yell came from you saw Yoongi walking angrily towards you.
"___, I suggest you tell me which way they went." You could feel the anger radiating off of him. Shaking in fear for your own life, you threw your right arm up and pointed down the hall. Yoongi continued on in that direction.
"What the hell did those idiots do?" You question yourself silently. Baffled you finally finished your trip to the kitchen for some tea. Spotting Jin you smile.
"Finally, someone calm." A smile plasters itself on your face. Jin turns his head and smiles at you with delight.
"Need anything ___?" He asks while he turns to face you. You nod your head. You loved the hot tea Jin made.
"Could you make me a cup of tea, please?" You ask gently as you sit at the table. His head bobbed with pleasure and he set to it. The light padding of feet entered the kitchen. You didn't bother to look at who it was till they put their arm on your shoulder.
"Hello Jimin." You stated and gave him a hug.
"How is my best friend?" He asked casually while ruffling your hair. Batting his hand away, you ran a hand through your hair in attempt to fix it.
"I'm good. Waiting for tea." You smiled up at him. He mumbled a 'Good' and walked over to the cabinets rummaging for something to eat. Soon enough Jin set the tea in front of you with a smile.
"Oh thank you!" Grinning you took a sip and smiled in delight.
"Calming." You stated while you held the cup in both your hands. You, Jimin, and Jin struck up a conversation before splitting off to do things. Opening the door to Namjoon's room you poked your head in. He spun to look at who the culprit was.
"Oh hey babe. Come in." He stated as he patted the spot next to him. Smiling you closed the door behind you. Seconds later you were on his bed and cuddling into his side.
"So why did you have Hoseok's headphones?" You questioned. You felt Namjoon shrug as he held you closer.
"Why did you give them back?" He chuckled. Slapping his shoulder lightly you laughed as well. You two had a few minutes of peace before it was ruined by the sound of shattering glass and screaming.
"AH! YOONGI WE'RE REALLY SORRY!" You heard Jungkook yell. Grumbling you went to slide off the bed but Namjoon tightened his hold on you.
"Let them sort it out on their own. They'll be fine, Jin's out there to stop them anyway. You can't always be the one to break it up and fix things." He mumbled into the area between your neck and shoulder. Smiling you leaned back into him and enjoyed the moment.
"____! I NEED SOME ASSISTANCE!" Jin's strained voice rang out.

You gave a pointed glare in the direction of the bedroom door. Jabbing Namjoon lightly with your elbow, you got him to release his hold. Fluidly slipping off the bed, you dragged your feet out the door and out to the lounge. Lips pursed in a straight line, with an annoyed glint to your eyes, you stood in the lounge doorway taking in the scene. A low growl left your throat but went unheard because of the uproarious events proceeding. Bring in a substantial amount of air you let your voice ring loud and clear.
"What on God's green earth do you boys think you're doing!?" You spat, stressing the word 'boys'. The ruckus going on ceased quickly and all irises were on you. Getting a better look, now that everything had settled, you saw Tae and Kookie harboring themselves behind Jin, while Jin's palms rested on Yoongi's shoulders in attempt to stop him.
"You three, come here." It took a few seconds for your words to enter their ears but they came forth.
"Yoongi here." You pointed with your left hand.
"Tae. Kookie." You pointed with your right. You looked at the two to your right and they looked back with fear. Fear not only of Yoongi but you as well. You may be small in size but your attitude and fierceness was definitely something to watch out for. You trailed your eyes to Yoongi, who normally wasn't frightened of you, but at this moment it was seen in his eyes just slightly.
"Does anyone care to explain or do we have to stand here all day?" Your voiced dripping with annoyance. Tae and Kookie looked between one another, while Yoongi glared harshly at the pair. Yoongi drew in a shallow breath and began.
"I was trying to take a nap when these two idiots dumped water on me." His anger was highly sensed causing the two boys to shudder and shrink back. Now that he had mentioned it, his hair and the collar of his shirt were damp.
"Th-tha-that's not what ha-happened." Tae stuttered out while visibly shaking. Relaxing your figure you gave in a little for the poor kid. Sighing you walked over and gave him a reassuring hug along with the wide eyed maknae.
"Alright everyone calm down a bit. Let's sit on the couch and you guys can tell me everything." You muttered out. Yoongi sat to your right and Tae and Kookie to your left. Jungkook turned to you gathering the last of his thoughts.
"I had my headphones in and I was dancing around being stupid. I didn't know either of them were there, I swear!" He cried out the last couple words. Your eyes shift to Tae.
"I was walking through the room with a cup of water. I was going to get set up to watch some movies. That's when Jungkook ran into me."
"We both fell over, Tae dropping his cup in the process. We had no clue Suga was trying to rest on the couch. It was an honest mistake." The maknae sputtered out. You turned to Yoongi, who's posture had relaxed as he listened to the two trip up through their explanation. He stood up and walked over to the two, although giving them a light hit to the head he smiled and forgave them.
"Problem of the day solved." You sighed out as the three walked off. Jin plopped down next to you on the couch.
"How do you do this all the time? Haven't you been driven mad yet?" He chuckled while acknowledging your mental strength. Laughing you gave a simple answer;
"I'll do whatever I can for my family. I love you boys." You let a soft smile caress your face as you stood. Turning to exit the lounge you saw Namjoom looking at you in admiration and affection.
"You still surprise me with how you handle this shit." His deep chuckle rang like bells in your ears. Wrapping your arms around his torso you shrugged and smiled.
"I'm amazing."
"That you are ___. That you are." Namjoon stated and kissed the top of your head.

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