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I gently push the key into the door and twist it. Pushing the door open I pull the key out of the lock and shut the door.
"Jimin? Sorry I'm home late. We had a few emergencies come in." I set my keys down on the hall table along with my purse. I tiredly trudge to the living room removing my thick winter jacket. I drape my coat over a chair and bring my eyes up. A warm smile makes its way on to my tired face.
"Ah Jimin..." I sigh and walk over to the couch. I pick the blanket up off the floor and drape it over his balled up body. He shifts slightly while mumbling in his sleep, making me giggle quietly. I turn around and make my way to our bedroom to change. Once changed I walk into the kitchen only to slip on the cat's toy. Catching myself, I pop my head out of the doorway to make sure Jimin was still sleeping. I watched him as he rolled over and was now facing the kitchen.
"You look so peaceful and stress free." I mumbled with a small smile. I walked over to the coffee maker and turn it on. As I'm waiting for my coffee I feel arms wrap around my waist, scaring me.
"You could have woken me up." He whispered into my shoulder and kissed it. Turning around in his arms I kiss his jaw.
"But you looked so peaceful. Besides you need to relax, you don't get to often." I smiled up at him, he smiled back. I turned back around and watched the coffee slowly drip into my cup while I leaned on Jimin's chest. He hugged me tightly and kissed my shoulder again.
"I've missed you so much. I've missed this, us having time to just be together." His words tumble out in a slow manner. He rests his forehead in the crook of my neck and smiles, his thumbs rubbing circles into my hips. I sigh in content, loving the moment.
"I've missed it too." I smile then yawn. Jimin chuckles.
"Skip the coffee tonight, let's go to bed." He states bring his head up. Yawning again I nod in agreement and walk with him, hand in hand to the bedroom. Laying in bed Jimin pulls me into his chest and yawns.
"Goodnight. I love you." I whisper feeling the cat curl up at my feet.
"I love you too." He kisses my forehead while I drift off to sleep. Jimin following shortly after.

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